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“I didn’t say I didn’t like cats, per se, I just think they’re shady and sneaky. And look what he did to my chest,” I add, pointing to the little claw marks that are enflamed and puffy.

“Ahh, poor baby,” she says, stepping closer until she’s directly in front of me. “I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt you. He probably just thought you were hurting his mama.”

I glance down at the cat, and I swear to God he’s eyeing at me out of the corner of his shifty little eyes. “I wasn’t hurting his mama. If memory serves correctly, I was doing the complete opposite of hurting her.”

Jaime’s eyes light up and a devilish little grin spreads across her face. “You would be correct. There was no hurting involved. It was only pleasure.”

“Make sure you explain that to Freddy Krueger there. I don’t want him attacking me or anything that dangles.”

“Why don’t you go grab a warm washcloth and wash up those scratches. I’m going to get Boots settled.” And with that, Jaime turns and leaves the room.

My hard-on died a thousand deaths about ten minutes ago, but just the thought of climbing back into bed with Jaime and finishing what we started causes the blood to flow to one centralized location once again. In the bathroom, fortunately we unpacked the necessities and I’m able to find a washcloth quickly. I gently run it over the claw marks, wincing as the material brushes against the ripped flesh.

Damn cat.

Even though I’m anxious to get back in bed with the woman I love, I take a few extra minutes to use the head and brush my teeth. This is our first night in our new house, and I’m not about to let that beast ruin all the things I have planned to do to–and with–Jaime. Starting at her sexy red painted toes, I’m going to lick my way up her soft skin, all the way to her kiss-me lips. Lips that I wouldn’t mind seeing wrapped around my cock.

Suddenly, more anxious than before to get back to Jaime, I turn off the light and head into our bedroom. She’s lying on her side, facing where I will be very soon. There’s an extra skip in my step as I make my way over to my side of the bed–or the side Jaime deemed as my side back when she started staying over at my place more than she was at her own.

When I round the corner of the bed, I stop in my tracks. “I thought you said you were going to get him settled?”

“I did. Grandma and Grandpa didn’t provide a bed so I thought he could snuggle with us tonight.”

“Put him in the utility room with his food and litter box.”

“But there’s no bed in there. Plus, it’s his first night in a new place. What if he gets scared?”

“He’s a cat. You know that, right? He can sleep anywhere.”

“He isn’t going to sleep just anywhere. He’s going to sleep somewhere wonderful,” she replies as the kitten burrows closer to her chest. A chest that is now covered in my old New York Yankees t-shirt.

Hey, Boots! Back off. Those are mine. I glare at the offending cat.

Climbing between the sheets, I swear he gives me the stink eye once more. It’s as if he’s keeping tabs on me, making sure I don’t move in on his mama. Well, get in line, cat. She was mine first.

Lying on my side, I find my gaze locked on hers. Neither of us speaks, but we don’t have to. Contentment and happiness radiates from her beautiful face, etched in each feature and around her upturned mouth. Happiness is the only thing I ever want to see on her gorgeous face. Never tears. Tears gut me, especially hers. I don’t give a shit if I have to spend the rest of my life ensuring it, but my only goal is to make her happy. Whatever she wants, I will give her. Whatever she needs, it’s hers.

Boots starts to snore. We both gaze down, and I can’t help but smile. He’s curled up against Jaime, mouth hanging open, and snoring like Grandpa after Sunday dinner.

“Look at us. Our first night in our new home and we’re spending it together as a little family.”

Even though I would much rather be balls deep between her legs, something settles deep in my chest when she says the word family. It spreads through my bloodstream, warming me as it passes, unhurried and systematic. Peacefulness fills the room and wraps around me like a worn blanket. Comfort. Ease. Home. All the things I’ve come to feel since Jaime stepped into my life. Maybe stepped isn’t the right word, but whatever. Since Jaime appeared into my life.

“Thank you,” I whisper, taking in the way her long brown hair fans across the soft blue pillowcase she picked out last week.

“For what?” she asks. Even in the darkness, I can see faint lines appearing between her brows.

Swallowing over the lump that rapidly developed in my throat, I keep my eyes plastered to hers and give her the most honest answer I can give. “For picking me. For loving me.”

Jaime smiles that radiating smile that causes a fluttering in my stomach and reaches for my hand. “I believe you might have picked me,” she chuckles.

“I might have spotted you and then pursued you like a cop chasing a law breaker, but you picked me, sweetheart. When you took a chance on a dirty carpenter who wears work boots with just about anything, you gave me the truest gift anyone ever could: Your heart. I know it wasn’t easy or without fear, and I promise to treasure it–and you–the way you deserve. Because nothing is more precious to me than you.”

“When you say things like that it makes me wonder what you see that no one else has before.”

“I see everything, Jaime. You’re everything. It doesn’t matter who saw what before, because you were made for me. Plain and simple.”

She smiles that soft little smile that I fucking adore. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Without another word, I lean in and kiss her still-swollen lips. It’s a tender kiss filled with adoration and compassion. One that will surely lead to bed-shaking, name screaming sex, if we let it. But it doesn’t feel like the right time now.

Instead, I pull her in close, wrapping my larger body around her much smaller one. Boots is cradled between us, purring softly and batting his tiny paw in the air; probably dreaming about ripping my back apart in my sleep.

I watch as she starts to doze off, content to sleep in my arms. There’s no better feeling. When I finally can’t keep my eyes open any longer, I allow slumber to take hold and pull me under. My last conscious thought is of my green-eyed brown haired beauty curled up beside me in bed.

My love.

My forever.

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