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“Fine,” I reply, sipping more water.

“Don’t let her bother you. She only wants to help.”

“I know. I just wish she’d lay off me finding a man, you know? Not everyone is cut out for coupledom.”

She stares at me hard. “That’s bullshit and you know it. I’m the poster child for wanting to stay single forever, Pay. And look at me now,” she says as she glances over at her boyfriend. They both smile before Ryan places a kiss on her lips. They’re always kissing and feeling each other up. I guess if I had that new, crazy love feeling, I’d be all lovey dovey, touchy feely too.

But I’m not.

Thank God.

“Hey, Jaime, how did it go with Ryan’s family at Christmas?” Meghan asks.

“Fine,” she replies quickly. Too quickly.

Lexi must pick up on it too because her eyes narrow into little slits as she zeros in on her target. “There’s a story. I can tell.”

“No, no story. How are the wedding plans coming, Meg?” she asks, going for the redirect.

“No you don’t! What happened?” Lexi insists. When she sinks her teeth into something, she’s not about to ease up.

Jaime’s eyes close before she glances over at Ryan. He’s smiling like the cat that ate the canary, which basically just confirms that there’s a story there.

“Fine,” she mumbles, conceding. “Everything was great at first. I loved helping his mother cook and his sister was friendly and easy to talk to. We hit it off quickly. On Christmas Eve, I ran upstairs to shower, and well, Ryan ended up needing a shower at the same time.”

Ryan snorts beside her. “Babe, I didn’t need a shower.”

“Anyway,” she interrupts, drawing out that one word. “We were, you know, together in the shower, when his mom came into our room to bring an extra blanket for the bed since it gets cold at night in New York. She heard my scream in the shower and thought I hurt myself. She can running in and…”

“And Mom caught me in the upswing during some of my best moves. I’ve never killed a hard-on so quick in my life.”

“That’s saying something considering you two have been busted getting freaky more times than all of us combined,” I retort with a laugh.

“My boobs were pressed against the Plexiglas shower door, Payton. It doesn’t get any more humiliating than that.”

“What about the time you were busted by Barney the cop while having sex in that field entrance?” Lexi asks.

“Or what about the time you had a screaming competition with your neighbors at the Bed and Breakfast, only to find out it was Grandma and Grandpa?” Meghan asks through her own laughter.

“Oh God, those were so humiliating too.”

“Are you and ‘Oh God’ fooling around under the table over there?” Grandma yells towards Jaime, loud enough to catch the attention of those around us. Her face burns with mortification.


“One of these days, I’d love for you to say, ‘Yes. Yes, I am stroking him under the table.’”

“Oh God, Payton! I could never do that,” she replies, shock mixed with her laughter.

“No, I bet you wouldn’t, but Lexi would. Too bad she’s stuck with Chris the Dud.” I gape at my sister, shocked that those words actually came out of my mouth. I’ve thought Chris was all wrong for my sister, basically as long as I’ve known him, but I’ve never actually said it out loud.

“It’s okay,” Jaime whispers, glancing over at Lexi. “She didn’t hear you.”

I sigh in relief. Even if I’m not a Chris fan, he’s still my sister’s husband. He tries really hard to provide for her financially, but not on a personal level the way you’d expect a spouse to. Case in point, the one thing she wants in this world is a baby. She went last month for testing at a big hospital and her results came back clear. There seems to be no problems with her ovulation or her parts. Chris, on the other hand, won’t go get tested. He keeps putting her off, saying it’ll happen naturally if it’s meant to be.

Shouldn’t a husband want to go get tested to find out if there’s something that can be done to help the process along? Especially because that’s what she wants most in this world?

Something nags at the back of my head. Why wouldn’t he get checked out? Does he not want a child as desperately as his wife? Maybe he’s embarrassed. I’ve read articles where the man feels inadequate when found to have a problem with his sperm count. I mean, aren’t all men supposed to be able to produce an heir? Therefore when unable to get the job done, they feel less manly. Or some shit like that.
