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Chapter Twenty-Seven


I’m standing at the front of the church, waiting for my sister to make her entrance. When she steps around the corner, her arm linked with our father’s, I can’t stop the tears. Even if it weren’t for these crazy pregnancy hormones, I’d be a blubbering mess the moment I look over at the groom. Ryan is fighting his own tears, his eyes glued on the woman he loves and the biggest smile on his face, as she walks towards him in a gorgeous white dress.

It’s a picture-perfect moment.

Dad holds up well as he hands Jaime’s hand over to Ryan’s. He leans forward, grabs Ryan by the back and whispers something in his ear. Whatever Dad says, Ryan agrees as he nods his head decisively, blinks back tears, and gives him a smile. Then Dad takes his seat in the front pew beside Grandma and Grandpa, and my sister and her groom step up to the altar.

My eyes keep glancing to my right where a certain sexy mechanic is seated in the row right behind my family. Linkin is wearing black dress pants with a light blue dress shirt and plaid patterned tie. But it’s the way his shirt sleeves are rolled up casually, revealing that incredible ink on his arms that keeps drawing my attention. God, he’s so sexy. He’s sitting with Levi, whose own eyes are glued to my twin sister’s ass. Typical.

The ceremony doesn’t last too long, but the pictures are a whole other story. The photographer is a true professional, and ends up taking a billion and a half photos from every angle, in every light, and in every pose. Okay, so maybe not quite that many, but I’m starting to get a little hungry.

Can’t a pregnant girl get a little bit of stuffed meatballs and some cheese dip around here?

Finally, we’re released to head to the reception. Linkin and I ride with Abby and Levi to one of the hotels along the bay. It’s not tourist season, so it’s a quick drive and parking is a breeze. I’m seated up front with the rest of the wedding party, while they placed Linkin at the table with my parents, Levi, and Brielle. She looks so stinking cute in her purple dress, her hair full of curls.

The night progresses quickly with dinner, toasts, and the cutting of the cake, all while Ryan keeps close tabs and at least one hand on his bride at all times. When they take to the dance floor, I can’t help but smile. They’re so in love with each other. It’s been evident since they were being arrested for indecent exposure back when they were first dating.

And now here they are.


Linkin comes up behind me and pulls me into his chest. His muscles flex under my fingers as I wrap my hands around his forearms and revel in his embrace. I can feel his strong heart pounding against my back and his stubble has he drops his chin to nibble on my ear. Whisker burn on my neck is almost as good as whisker burn on the thighs.

His hands automatically go to my abdomen. Ever since he found out I was expecting, he’s always touching my stomach. But since we found out it was twins earlier in the week, it’s his new obsession. He can’t keep his hands off me (and I’m not talking sexually), and at night when we’re getting into bed, he actually takes to talking to them.

My heart melts and I fall further every night.

“So, you knocked up my granddaughter, and now she’s having twins, eh?” Grandpa asks, coming up to stand beside us.

“That’s the rumor,” Linkin replies with a smile and wink.

“I’d like to think I had a hand in it,” Grandpa says, adjusting his suspenders and wearing a huge grin.

“The only thing you had a hand in is a hard-on that took hours to go down,” Linkin retorts, getting a big laugh from my grandpa.

“Yeah, let’s talk about those special brownies of yours,” Dean says, joining the conversation.

“I was afraid I was going to have to go to the ER. Do you know how embarrassing that would have been if I would have had to go to the place I work and confess that I had an erection that lasted longer than four hours?” Levi adds, stepping up beside me.

“I may have used a few too many. I’m still working on perfecting the recipe,” Grandpa says, scratching his head.

“Why do you even need Viagra brownies to begin with?” I ask, flabbergasted.

“Your grandma is an animal, Lexi Lou. I’m man enough to admit that, at times, I require medical intervention to keep up with her appetite.”

“Gross,” Payton whispers, making a gagging noise.

“Just promise us you won’t poison us again with male enhancement drugs,” Ryan begs as he escorts his wife off the dance floor and joins us.

“I make no promises,” he argues.

“At least have the decency to tell us when we’ve been drugged. I think we were all a bit nervous as to why four guys were together in the bathroom with boners,” Linkin says with a nervous laugh.

“Fine. Anyway, it’s been longer than the five minutes Emmie asked me to wait.” Then bending forward and dropping his voice, he adds, “She’s waiting on me in the coat room just behind the concierge. We’re crossing public sex where you could be caught at any moment off the bucket list.” With a wide grin, he turns and practically dances out of the ballroom and out of sight.

“You didn’t check your coat, right?” Abby asks Levi as all of us watch him disappear.
