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Linkin’s face moves closer, his breath fanning across my forehead. “What are you doing?” I whisper, conflicted between wanting him to kiss me and knowing that he shouldn’t.

“He said I get to keep you if I kiss you first. I can’t let my little eight-year-old brother win, now can I?” he whispers. My body sparks to life and burns with a fierce need that seems to be associated with only him.

“Is that a good idea?” I ask aloud. I’m not really sure if I’m asking him or myself.

“It’s the best idea in the history of all ideas, Lexi. But when I kiss you, there won’t be an audience. There won’t be anything holding me back from taking what I want.”

“What do you want?”

“You.” That one word sends shivers up and down my spine. His conviction is written plainly in the depths of his dark chocolate eyes.

He blinks before offering me a small smile. Then places a tender kiss in the middle of my forehead.

“There! Now she’s yours!” Jeff declares to his brother with a pat on the back.

And I’m afraid he might not be that far off base. There’s something pulling me, some invisible force that’s drawing me towards the man I’m still wrapped around like a cat climbing a tree.

It’s something that I’ll continue to think about as I head back to my lonely apartment, crawl into my cold bed, and dream about the way those brown orbs looked down at me, seemingly undressing me with his eyes and ravishing me alive. Oh, there’ll be no sleeping tonight. Not with dreams of a certain neighbor who makes me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt before.
