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“Whatever,” I say, rolling my eyes and grabbing the garbage bag.

“You want me to kiss you,” he says in a singsong voice, a wide smile crossing his too handsome face, as he takes the bag from my hands.

“Do not,” I grumble, relinquishing the garbage and crossing my arms over my chest.

“Do too. But I’m not gonna, Firecracker. As much as you want me to, I’m not giving in to your taunts and reverse psychology,” he says, walking over to the shoot down the hall and disposing of the bag.

“You are so full of yourself,” I say with a smile.

“Maybe,” he says, walking back over to stand in front of me. Bending forward so that I can smell his too familiar scent, he adds, “But you still want me to kiss you.”

“I don’t need your permission. If I wanted you to kiss me, I’d just do it myself.”

“Doubtful,” he smirks, that smugness written all over his face. It makes my blood boil, but not in anger. No, I realize my heated body is for an entirely different reason. One that I shouldn’t entertain, but do anyway.

Suddenly, my lips are on his and my arms are wrapped around his neck. Linkin stumbles a bit as the force of my body plastering to his catches him off guard, but he recovers quickly. His arms wrap around my waist, his hands dropping to grab my ass. His lips are warm and soft as they fuse to my own, eagerly taking the lead and deepening the kiss.

My entire body flares to life with a need I’m unfamiliar with. Sure, I found Chris attractive and wanted to spend as much time with him naked as possible, but what I’m feeling with Linkin is so much livelier than ever before. It’s dirty and raw and makes me grind like a cat in heat as my legs lock around his waist.

I’m pretty sure my cat is in heat right now.

His tongue slides against mine, hot and wet, just like my core. I throb in a way I didn’t know was possible, and the thought of taking this to the next level with this man is probably the best idea. Ever. His lips command more as he moves, my back now pressed against the wall. That’s actually perfect, because now I can shamelessly grind my cat against his extremely hard, extremely big erection.

Yay, me!

But suddenly, he slows his kiss, those talented lips nipping and sucking at my swollen ones. “I knew it,” he pants.


“That you wanted me to kiss you.” Even though I can’t see it, I can feel the smug smirk.

I give his chest a slight shove, putting a little space between us. Well, as much space as I can, considering I’m still wrapped around his waist like a jungle cat. “Technically, I kissed you,” I respond, my mind still firing on only half its cylinders.

“Best first kiss ever.”

“Yeah, well, don’t be so sure about that,” I answer as I lower my legs until he has no choice but to set me down. “That was a one-time deal.”

“I’ll let you have your moment, Lexi, but I can guaran-fucking-tee you that it wasn’t an isolated incident. There will be more kisses, Firecracker. I know it.”

“Whatever,” I retort, lamely, knowing damn well that he’s correct. There’s no way that after tasting those lips I’ll ever be able to stay away from him.

Which is why I must bid him farewell and head inside. Between the alcohol and the ex showing up, my mind is all whacky. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the earth-shattering, panty-soaking kisses he just administered. Nope. No way.

Except I’d be wrong.

Because those kisses were everything.

And that scares the hell out of me.
