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Adjusting myself in the seat, I confirm, “Yeah. Every day.”

“Every day?” Meghan asks.

“He thinks I’m going to come crawling back, but I’m not,” I add, shaking my head and taking another healthy drink of my booze. “Besides, I’m sure he got the point yesterday when the divorce papers were sent to him,” I add with a smirk.

“So this is it, huh? There isn’t a cooling off period or spending time apart to make the heart grow fonder?” Meghan asks, sadness in her green eyes.

“Hell no,” I tell them. “I’m done. D. O. N. E. Done. Just stick a fork in me.” And to punctuate my statement, I finish off the rest of my cup of alcohol.

I feel their eyes on me as I set the empty cup down in the holder beside my pedicure chair. “It’s going to be okay, all right? I’m going to get through this because I have you guys. I don’t need a man who won’t make me a priority, and that’s what I realized I wanted to be. Hell, that’s what I deserve to be.” I don’t need to convince myself. I’ve already spent the last month doing that, building up the courage to be confident and content in my decision.

My sisters all nod their heads and give me a smile. Even though this is going to be hard, and Chris isn’t going to go down without a fight (his words), I know this is for the best. Plus, I can’t live with a liar, and that’s what he is. A liar. A thief. A dream killer.

With tacky nails, wet feet, and teary eyes, my sisters surround me, wrapping me in their arms and their love.

I don’t need him, I remind myself.

I don’t need a man to make my dream come true.

I got this.
