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Chapter Nine


I’m pleasantly buzzed and ignoring the clock as it slides closer and closer to closing time. Lucky’s has started to thin out over the last hour or so, which is good because my group has gotten louder and more drunkier than before. Wait. Is that a word? Of course it is.

It’s the shots talking.

“How was your trip to Richmond?” Abby asks, her glassy eyes trying to focus on mine.

“Ahhhhh-mazing! Like better than ahhhhh-mazing! What word is better than ahhhhh-mazing?” I ask my twin as we slide onto empty barstools.

“I don’t know. Levi, what word is better than amazing?” Abby hollers at her boyfriend, who’s conversing with Dean.

“Abby. That word is definitely more than amazing,” he says with this big dopey grin on his face. He looks at her like she hung the moon, and I guess, that’s all right. You know, if you’re into that sort of thing.

“He says Abby is more amazing,” she yell-whispers at me with a giggle.

“What did you find out in Richmond?” Payton asks, moving to stand between Dean’s legs and the bar.

“I found out that there is a lot of sperm available for purchase.”

“Sperm?” Ryan asks, giving me a curious glance.

“Yep. Tons. And I’m going to buy some,” I say, digging out the folder and laying the contents across the top of the bar. My sisters and their significant others gather around, watching and waiting.

“Candidate number one. He’s a pharmacist by day, enjoys mountain biking and deep-sea fishing, has blond hair and blue eyes, and a high IQ,” I say, pointing to the information on the form.

“Potential sperm donor number two is a computer engineer who designs video games. He has an Italian American heritage with brown hair and eyes, which would be so pretty mixing with our features, especially if it’s a girl. Plus, she’d be smarty farty, with cute little glasses. Can you just imagine?” I ask the group as a whole, but don’t wait for anyone to answer as I grab the third page.

“Number three is a body builder. He’s six two, has light brown hair and hazel eyes. He benches two-ninety and squats Buicks.”

“And that’s important, why?” Meggy asks.

“It’s not, but he sounded nice, so I put him in the keep pile,” I tell her before pulling out the fourth and final document.

“And number four. He’s my favorite. Donor number four is a member of the Secret Service. He’s six-one, weighs one-ninety, and trains for triathlons in his free time. He has black hair and gray eyes and is fluent in three languages. His hobbies include karate, tai chi, and riding his Harley.” I stare longingly at the piece of paper as if it were about to propose marriage to me.

“Ummm, Lexi?” Dean asks, pulling my attention away from my intended baby daddy.


“Why are you looking at sperm donors?” he asks. The fact that he asked tells me my sister didn’t inform him of my life-changing decision. And the way the others are looking at me tells me no one actually thought I was serious when I mentioned it earlier in the week.

“Because I’m having a baby. And I don’t need Chris or any man to do it. I just need his best swimmers,” I tell him with a salute of my half-empty beer mug.

“You’re really going through with this?” Payton asks, her hand warm and comforting on my shoulder.

“I am. I’m not letting Chris win.”

“What does that mean?” Jaime asks, her arms wrapped around Ryan’s waist. I glance over at Abby, the only one who knows the real reason I left and decided to end my marriage. The silent conversation we have with our eyes lets me know she stands beside me and supports me in this decision.

“It means that Chris lied. He didn’t want a baby. He told me he did, but didn’t. So I’m taking control of my life and doing something I’ve always wanted to do.”

“You’ve always wanted to get knocked up with a turkey baster?” Ryan asks.

“Not exactly, but it’s a little late in the game to be picky.”

“So you’re doing this?” AJ asks.
