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“God, I can’t wait to see you again,” he whispers. His large hands gently grab my face as he tilts my head slightly, and devours me in another amazing kiss. The way his tongue slides against mine makes my entire body tremble with need.

“I could kiss you all night long,” I confess as he trails tender, wet kisses along my jaw.

“I will. It’s inevitable, baby. Soon, I’ll kiss you all night long. I’ll taste and tease you. I’ll fuck you. All.” Kiss. “Night.” Kiss. “Long.” Long, tantalizing kiss that leaves my knees weak and my core clenching. His kisses make me completely forget that my pants are still undone.

Then, he’s gone.

Linkin pulls away, leaving my body cold and yearning for more. He takes a step back, that knowing smile on his gorgeous face. “I better get back over there before the boys rip the curtains off the walls.”

Laughing, I step towards my doorway. “Good night, Linkin.”

“Night, Lexi. I’ll be in touch,” he says, turning and heading towards his own place.

We watch each other, neither of us wanting to be the first to look away. Our eyes remain locked until the last possible second. You know, until you have no choice but to break the contact and close your door. He gives me one final smile before disappearing through his doorway completely.

When I shut my door, it’s with a smile on my face and the memories of our couch tryst to keep me company in bed tonight.

* * *

“What’s going on with you?” Grandma asks from my chair.

I’m spending my Monday afternoon off at the salon, trimming and setting Grandma’s hair.

“Nothing,” I tell her, placing another roller in her soft, gray hair.

“You can’t fool Grandma,” she chastises. I can feel her eyes on me through the mirror, and I do everything I can to keep myself from squirming like I used to as a child.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell her happily. Probably a little too happily.

“Has that man you were married to signed the papers yet?”

“No.” Dammit. Chris is still dragging his feet, even after my earlier call to my attorney. My attorney has made several phone call inquiries to Chris’s lawyer, to no avail.

“Maybe I should stop over and see him. I can be very persuasive when necessary,” she says sweetly, but the thought makes me shudder.

“Please don’t. I’m having enough trouble with him refusing to negotiate the divorce without you getting on his ass. He’ll stall even more, just out of spite.”

“Humph,” she grumbles. “I’ve never been on his ass, Lexi Lou. It wasn’t that nice of an ass to begin with. Not like Linkin’s. Now that boy has an ass that would make a nun give up the habit.”

I choke on air. “Grandma!”

“What? Tell me what’s going on with him. Are you playing hide the salami yet?”

Groaning, I finish placing the last curler in her hair. “We’re not playing hide…anything.” My face blushes like Abby’s; I can feel it.

“Tell me.”

I glance at her in the mirror. No! No, Lexi! Don’t make eye contact!

Before I realize what’s happening, my lips are moving. “You know I want to have a baby, right? Well, he offered to help me conceive.”


“You know. His sperm. My egg.”

“You’re going to have the sex, right?” she asks, her eyes wide in anticipation.

