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Never did I expect to feel this way again, especially so close to leaving my husband. But Linkin brings out a side of me that I haven’t seen in a while. He makes me want to be fierce, feisty, and flirty. He makes me want to be daring and ride in the rain. He makes me want to be the woman I’ve always been destined to be; not the woman I’ve hidden behind Chris’s need for perfection.

We ride up the coast for about twenty minutes before pulling off the highway into an old dive-looking building with faded blue paint and a pothole-laden parking lot. It’s been years since I’ve been to this place, and my stomach rumbles at the thought. The Shack is known for their outstanding seafood and not the ambiance. It’s an old building with wobbly tables and creaking floorboards. The dim lighting helps cover the fact that the walls are still what’s left of the 1970s groovy gold and electric blue colors that were popular back when the building was first built.

Linkin parks the bike in a spot by the door. I climb off slowly, my legs shaky even from the short ride. My fingers fumble with the chinstrap, unable to release the little clasp for some reason. Before I get frustrated, Linkin’s there with his big hands and warm fingers. How they’re not cold from the ride, I’m not sure, but when they graze against the underside of my chin, heat sparks through my veins and zips through my blood. Of course, maybe it has nothing to do with the temperature of his hands but everything to do with the closeness of his body and his touch.

Yeah, probably that.

When the strap is released, he helps me pull the helmet off my head. My hands instantly go to my hair, flattening the flyaways and taming the helmet-head.

“Don’t,” he whispers, his voice all husky and deep. It reminds me of sex, and I have to clench my legs together. His hands push my hair from my face, but he keeps those dark eyes locked on mine. They’re so expressive and wild, and I can see everything he wants to do to me in those intoxicating orbs. “I like your hair all crazy and free.”

“Really?” I ask, thinking about all the times I made sure my hair was perfect so that Chris wouldn’t comment.

“Fuck, yes. It reminds me of bed, which then makes me think about sex, and in return does bad things to my body as I picture you naked, hair all wild, and panting my name.”

I start to pant. Seriously, I’m suddenly wanting everything he just said, everything I’m now picturing very vividly in my mind. “Sign me up.” The words are out of my mouth before I can even think about stopping them.

Linkin gives me a knowing smirk as his hands caress my jaw. “Soon, Firecracker. Very soon. Tonight, I’m going to give you a proper date.”

“Somehow, you seem more like a sex-on-the-first-date kinda guy,” I quip as we start to walk towards the old red door.

His low chuckle renders my panties useless. “I’m more of a hardly-date-at-all kinda guy.”

“So, it’s usually just sex?” I ask, stopping in front of the door.


“What makes me different?” I ask, my voice breathy and choppy.

“Everything,” he whispers, leaning forward and planting his lips on my own. The kiss is firm and warm and rekindles the blaze in my body that always seems eager and ready to flare to life when Linkin’s near. It’s the perfect kiss.

“That’s kinda cheesy, Mr. Stone,” I sass as he nibbles on my swollen bottom lip.

“I’ve never wanted to have a baby with another woman before in my life,” he whispers, his breath fanning across my face. “What does that tell you?”

“That you’re horny?”

He chuckles again. “I find myself in a perpetual state of arousal when it comes to you, but no. That’s not the answer,” he says, leaning back but still holding my jaw.

“What’s the answer?” I ask, staring at him, gaging the sincerity of his words.

“I could have a baby with anyone, sweetness, but I’ve never offered before, nor have I ever really pictured myself as a dad. But with you? I. Want. Everything.”


“Mmmhmmm,” he says, rubbing his nose against mine. “I’m going to prove to you that I’m the only baby daddy for your future child. Wanna know why?”


“Because for the first time in my life, I can see myself as a father. But more than that, I can picture myself by your side.”

I shudder at his words and the implication. I open my mouth, but no words come out.

“Come on. Let’s go inside and eat. We don’t have to figure anything out tonight, but I want you to know that I’m serious about this, Lex. I feel something different when I’m with you, and have from the moment I watched you hand Levi his ass in the hallway that morning,” he replies with a smile. I chuckle as I recall that morning when I chewed Levi’s ass in the hallway of their apartment building for breaking my twin sister’s heart. Linkin was there, watching the exchange, and pushing my buttons until I was ready to claw his eyes out as soon as I was finished with Levi.

“I’m starving,” I concede, reaching for the door handle.

“Me too,” he says as he grabs the door from me and holds it open. His eyes skate down my body and there’s no missing the appreciative look in his eyes. “For food too,” he adds with a wink and ushers me inside.

I’m pretty sure he just stole a little piece of my heart.
