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“The shop?” I ask, arching my eyebrows in question.

“Yeah. It’s just…” she hesitates like she’s embarrassed. Needing to calm her nervousness, and also overcome by the need to touch her skin, I reach forward and grab her hand.

“What?” I hedge.

“It’s just…that I like the smell.” Her words are almost inaudible.

I might have almost missed her words, but I don’t miss the meaning.

And neither does my cock.

“The smell?” I ask, fighting a grin.

“Grease. Dirt. Gas. The smell of fresh rubber just laid on asphalt.”

“I think I just came in my pants,” I groan, deadpanned. That comment earns me an instant smile.

“Of course you did. You’re a total guy.”

“Yes, yes I am. But to answer your question, yes, you can come by the shop anytime. Just let me know when so I can make sure I’m extra greasy that day,” I quip with a wink.

Our food arrives a few moments later and we continue to engage in small talk. I’ve discovered that she’s very close to her family. Even though I met them all at lunch the other day and witnessed it firsthand, listening to her talk about her sisters over dinner just reinforces the fact that they’re tight.

“I can’t believe I’m telling you all this,” she says, setting her napkin down on her empty plate and pushing it away.

“Uh, your Grandma has had her hands all over my ass. I’m pretty sure that skyrockets me to the front of the line where personal information is concerned.”

“True. God, I’m so sorry about that. All of it,” she whispers, her face blushing slightly.

“Believe it or not, you don’t work at a bar without having a hand or two grope you, though I’d add your grandma is definitely the oldest set of hands on my body.”

“Poor Linkin. All the women wanting to touch your ass,” she sasses.

“It’s a nice ass,” I reiterate.

“Ehhhh,” she replies with a shrug as if it’s no big deal. But I see through her casual front. I don’t miss the way her eyes dilate and she nibbles on the corner of her bottom lip. Lexi’s looking at me like I’m dessert and she’s suddenly famished.

When the check comes, I take care of paying for it, leave a generous tip, and lead her towards my bike. It’s probably the last time I’ll be able to ride it until spring, though the cold doesn’t scare me any. But I don’t want Lexi catching a cold because I’ve got her out on my bike in December.

The ride back to town takes a little extra time, since I actually drive the speed limit the entire way. I don’t want this ride to end any sooner than it has to. Besides, I’m totally digging having Lexi wrapped around my back, her body pressed firmly against mine. It’s a sensation I could definitely get used to.

I pull the bike into the shed, and swear I hear her sigh in sadness. My little firecracker definitely has a wild streak in her. I knew taking my bike tonight would be right up her alley, and the twinkle I saw in her eyes and the excitement I heard doesn’t disappoint. It’s been a great first date.

One that would only end even better with a kiss.

Holding the bike steady, Lexi hops off and works on the chinstrap. “Here,” I say, pulling my gloves off and tossing them onto the seat. Smiling, I release the little leather strap and let my fingers linger just a few extra seconds.

“I could have gotten it. Why are you grinning like a fool?” she asks, pulling the helmet from her head. My wayward cock takes notice of the way her hair is all tousled and looks like she just crawled out of bed. After sex. With me.

“I know you could have gotten it,” I say, sliding my fingers down the chilled skin of her throat and leaning forward until I can feel her breath against my lips. “But I like putting my hands on you,” I whisper with a wink.

Her hand slips easily within my big mitt as I gather up the helmets and lock up the shed. We’re both quiet as we head into the apartment building and wait for the elevator. It’s not uncomfortable, not like I would think, and a big part of that is who I’m with. Everything just seems easy when we’re together.

The closer we get to our floor, the quicker my heart starts to beat. Not surprising, I don’t want the date to end. Can you believe that? My first date in I don’t really recall how long and I’m wishing I could turn back the clock and start our evening all over again, just so I can spend more time with her.

The subtle ding of the elevator alerts me that we’ve reached our destination. As the door opens, I finally find my voice. “I had a great time.”

Those stunning eyes gaze up at me, sparkling as best as they can beneath the dim fluorescent lighting in the hallway. “Me too.”
