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Over and over and over again.

Preferably on her kitchen table.

Or maybe against the wall.

“Would you like to come inside?” she asks, breaking the dirty scene I was working on in my head.

“For a minute,” I reply. Even though I’d love to pound weeks’ worth of Lexi-induced sexual frustration out on her sweet little body, it won’t happen tonight. I promised her a proper date and that doesn’t include her bouncing on my cock like a pogo stick.

Lexi opens her apartment door and slips inside ahead of me. After setting her keys on the counter, she turns those hypnotic green eyes my way and my heart skips a beat. “I’ve been thinking,” she starts hesitantly.

“That’s never good when a woman starts off a conversation with I’ve been thinking,” I reply lightly with a grin, even though my heart is suddenly jackhammering in my chest. I’m nervous. Fucking nervous of what she’s about to say.

“I want to get divorced first. I can’t have this mess with Chris hanging over my head while I move forward with my plans for a baby.”

“But there are still plans for a baby?” I ask, hopefully sounding light and casual.

“Yes,” she confirms with a nod. “I still want a baby, but I need my divorce finalized first. In order to move on to the next chapter in my life, I need to close the book on my relationship with him forever.”

Stepping forward, I invade her personal space and stroke the soft skin where her neck meets her jaw. “Divorce first. Sperm donation after.”

“Yes,” she whispers harshly, a rush of breath hitting me in the chin.

“What about kissing? Can there be kissing?”

“Kissing is good,” she adds quickly, that sexy little tongue of hers snaking out to wet her lips expectantly.

“Then we wait to put the next phase of your life into motion,” I say as I slide my arms around her back and bring her body against mine. “But we don’t wait for the kissing,” I confirm.

“No, we don’t wait.”

That’s all I need to hear before my mouth descends on hers. The kiss starts slow, savoring and oh so fucking perfect, but that only lasts a few seconds. As soon as her tongue meets mine, all bets are off. It’s like a punch of need hits me square in the gut as all thoughts are consumed with her.

My hands come up to frame her face, which allows me to angle her slightly to deepen the kiss. Our tongues clash and lips devour in what is probably the best fucking kiss of my life. And when her hands grip my back, her nails biting into my flesh. Christ, it takes every ounce of control I possess to not throw her over my shoulder and find the nearest bed.

But I don’t.

Instead, I gently slow the kiss down, nipping and licking at her plump lips until we’re both breathless. “Oh, there will definitely be more kissing,” I mumble against her lips.


With Herculean strength, I break the connection of our mouths and just stare down at this incredibly beautiful woman. This gorgeous woman who, for some amazing fucking reason, decided she likes me. Me. The dirty mechanic from the wrong side of the tracks, who doesn’t trust people very easily because he’s been shit on by too many to count. The bartender who’s working extra shifts to pay off a debt that isn’t his own. The loner who found hope in the prospect of starting a family of his own with a woman who steals his breath every time he sees her.

It’s hard to believe it, but she picked me. We’re in this together.

“I’m going to head home,” I tell her, running the pad of my thumb along her lower lip.

“Okay,” she whispers. “Thank you for tonight. I had a great time.”

“Me too,” I confirm. “I have to work all weekend between Stapleton’s and Lucky’s, but I’ll swing by when I can,” I add, taking a step towards the door.

“I’d like that.”

She gazes up at me with big, trusting eyes, and suddenly, I can’t remember why I should leave. I want to stay and hear her laugh and do some more of that kissing. But I know I shouldn’t. We don’t have the week deadline anymore, so there’s no need to rush this. Our plans to give her a child will move forward, even if they’re delayed slightly. Slow and steady is the way to go here.


My feet move before I can stop them and she’s in my arms once again. Lexi wraps her arms around my neck and braces for impact. Instead of allowing my greedy lips to devour her, I keep the kiss soft and gentle. I savor the taste and feel of her, I commit the scent of her to memory so that I have something to keep me company until I can see her again.
