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His comment makes me roll my eyes. “Such a man,” I grumble.

Linkin takes me in his arms again. “All man, baby. One hundred percent, pure…man,” he grunts, biting my earlobe and sending a shot of lust racing through my bloodstream.

“Come on, Firecracker. Let’s get her decorated before I need to leave. If we hurry, we’ll have time for more kissing,” he adds with a wink before reaching for the end of the garland rope.

More kissing?

Well, you don’t have to tell me twice.

* * *

“He brought you a tree?” Jaime asks, a princess doll in one hand and a Cabbage Patch Kid in the other. “Which one?” she adds, directing this question at Payton.

“She has a million dolls,” our oldest sister says, giving Jaime a look.

“You’re right. I’ll get her both,” Jaime coos, referring to Dean’s daughter, the only child in the family, and places both dolls into her cart. Turning towards me she adds, “Don’t ignore the first question. He brought you a Christmas tree?”

“He did,” I confirm, dropping a hairdresser play set I found one aisle over into the cart. It’ll go great with the apron I found online and had embroidered with her name across the front. I smile just thinking about that purchase; it matches the one I use in the salon.

“Stop buying her more toys!” Payton exclaims. “We’re going to have to add onto the house to fit all of her new things.”

“That’s probably not a bad idea,” Jaime adds. “Wait ‘til you see what Grandma got her.” Jaime smiles mischievously, a wicked little gleam in her eyes brightening her face.

“What do you expect, Pay? She’s our first niece,” I acknowledge, not even trying to hide the small stuffed cat I just found amongst the display of stuffed dogs.

“I get it,” Payton concedes. “I went a little overboard myself. Back to the tree.”

“It the barest, ugliest tree I’ve ever seen,” I confirm, unable to hide the smile on my face. “And his little brothers made the ornaments.”

“Why don’t you have a tree?” Payton asks, trying to steer us away from the toy aisle.

“I left everything at Chris’s. Honestly, I didn’t really want it. I pretty much left everything except my personal belongings and a few things that were mine before we moved in together.”

Following behind my two oldest sisters, I continue, “You know, that’s why I don’t really understand why he’s dragging his feet on the divorce. We waived the mandatory six-month separation. I didn’t ask for anything. I left him all of the furniture and everything. I took my car, which I pay for, and asked for him to buy me out of my half of the house. We split the checking and savings accounts and the investments that he made on our behalf. Anything in his name is his. It’s the cleanest, tidiest divorce. All he needs to do is sign.”

“I don’t get it,” Jaime agrees.

“Anyway, I’m going to ask my attorney to follow up with his once more, but heading into Christmas, it might not be as quickly as I’m hoping.”

“At least you can have the sex with your hot neighbor until all of this blows over,” Payton adds with a wide grin, using the terminology that Grandma uses when referring to sex.

I quickly turn my attention to an aisle end cap, desperate to look anywhere but at my sisters. They’ll read me like a book.

“Lexi?” Jaime says slowly. “Tell me you’re having the sex with your gorgeous neighbor with abs you could lick chocolate syrup off of.”

Clearing my throat, I turn to face the two women who helped raise me. “We haven’t had sex yet.” Yet, being the keyword.

“Seriously?” Jaime exclaims at the same time Payton hollers, “What?”

“How can you not be having the sex? The way that man was looking at you that night he stripped, I’m surprised you aren’t taking a ride on the bologna pony every day!”

“Would you stop saying the sex?” I beg my oldest sister.

“And don’t ever say bologna pony again,” Jaime adds.

“Sorry,” Payton says, waving her hand. “We’ve had to be careful what we say around Brielle, and I figured asking for a ride on the bologna pony was a hell of a lot better than begging Dean to fuck me against the wall.”

“Jeez, that’s…descriptive. Anyway, we’re just not there yet.”
