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“He said you squeezed him in.”

“Oh,” I reply, glancing up at the ceiling. “Fine, I did, but do you know what? You’d never have the balls to talk to him if I didn’t orchestrate this little get-together. You can thank me in your wedding toast.”

Christine closes her eyes and shakes her head, but it’s the smile and laugh that slips from her lips that lets me know she’s secretly thankful. Sure, she’s going to pretend to be offended, but I know better.

Ella finishes her cut and waves Clayton over.

Did I mention Ella’s station and mine are right next to each other?

I take my time cutting her hair, reveling in the feel of her wet tresses between my fingers. I know, I’m weird. After Ella washes Clayton’s hair, she seats him beside Christine, who seems even more fidgety than before.

“So, whatcha been up to, Clayton?” I ask as Ella places the cape over his body.

“Working, mostly.”

“Yeah? Still out at the farm?”

He gives me a look that lets me know he’s onto my game. Yes, I know damn well that Clayton still lives and works at his parents’ farm. He resides in the small house at the back of the property where the farmhands used to live back when his great-grandparents bought the land and started working it seventy years ago. “Yes,” he says, drawing out the word.

“I thought so,” I reply with a wave.

“Christine, weren’t you telling me that you wanted to learn to ride a horse?” I ask, offering her a sweet smile.

She glares back at me. “I know how to ride a horse.”

“Oh, that’s right. You were saying something about wishing there was a place to ride in the area,” I concede. “Hey, Clayton, don’t you have horses out at the farm? Maybe Christine could come over sometime and ride with you. You know, since she’s been looking, and everything.”

Both of them stare at me in the mirror. A small smile tickles the corner of Clayton’s mouth, while Christine looks like she can’t decide if she’s mortified or wants to throw up.

“Sure, anytime you want to come out and ride, Chris, just give me a call,” he says, turning his attention to her and giving her a smile.

I feel so good right now. Just call me Lexi Summer, matchmaker extraordinaire.

While blow-drying her hair, I catch several long glances her way from Clayton in the mirror. Christine doesn’t realize it though, because she’s too busy staring a hole in the cape.

I finish styling her hair at the same time Ella removes Clayton’s cape from his neck, and we make our way to the front counter about the same time. Clayton pulls out his wallet and hands Ella a twenty, and Christine pulls out her checkbook to cover today’s visit.

“Oh, shoot,” I say aloud, scanning my appointment book. “I completely forgot that I have a noon appointment coming in. Christine, I don’t think I’ll have enough time to get lunch today.”

“Lunch?” she asks, confusion written all over her pretty face.

“Yeah, sorry, babes. I can’t reschedule this appointment so late in the game.” Glancing over at Clayton who’s watching with humor dancing in his eyes. “Hey, Clayton, you’re probably hungry, right? Would you mind accompanying Christine to lunch?”

Clayton smiles widely at me, while Christine gasps beside him. “No, that’s okay. You don’t have to,” she says, turning her panicked look towards him.

“No, actually, I’m starving. I’d love to go,” he says, offering her a smile. “If you don’t mind, that is.”

She blinks several times before opening her mouth. “I don’t mind.”

“Good, then it’s a date,” he adds before placing his hand on her back and leading her towards the door. She glances over her shoulder with a murderous, yet thankful, gleam in her eyes.

When they’re both out the door and walking down the sidewalk towards the café, I bust up laughing. “My work here is done.”

“That was evil genius, right there,” Ella replies with a wide grin.

“Excellent work,” Cecelia adds from her workstation. She’s cutting the hair of Mrs. McGill, the now-retired schoolteacher that had taught all of us in school at one point.

“Alexis Summer, you haven’t changed one bit,” Mrs. McGill says with a broad smile. I blanch at the way she uses my full name. Chris has always favored calling me Alexis, even though I preferred Lexi.
