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I hear the click of her heels on my floor moments before the door opens and shuts rapidly. A minute later, there’s the distinct sound of a car starting and pulling out of the driveway.

“You know, I was sometimes a little envious that you were playing in the MLB and married to a freaking Victoria’s Secret model, but that was usually was I was elbows deep in a shitty diaper, or trying to wrangle my kids to bed. Now, I’m just kinda glad she didn’t boil your bunny or cut off your balls, man.”

I chuckle at my older cousin, feeling relief for the first time since this entire mess started last weekend. I need to find AJ. I need to explain and beg for forgiveness, for another chance, for her salvation. My heart isn’t whole without her, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this second chance at happiness slip through my fingers.

Grabbing my keys, I turn to Maddox, but before I can tell him I’m leaving, movement catches my eye just over his shoulder. Dylan steps out from his hiding place.

With AJ.

She looks like an angel. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail and her face has very minimal makeup, mostly in an attempt to cover the bags under her eyes and puffy eyelids. She’s wearing well-worn jeans, a Hawks cheerleading sweatshirt, and a look that’s hard to decipher.

But she’s here.

In my living room.

And she’s a vision.
