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“Tell Firecracker that I’ll be home as soon as I close down at one,” Linkin says behind the bar. He seems legitimately torn about having to stay and runs his hands through his hair.

“Will do, man. I’m sure she’ll be fine. Grandma’s staying,” Ryan says as he stands up.

“Shit, don’t remind me. I’m afraid I’m going to have to lock the bedroom door when I sleep tonight,” Linkin quips with a subtle smile and the shake of his head.

“At least Orval isn’t staying and you don’t have to worry about hearing them screw in the next room,” Ryan throws at him.

“No shit,” Linkin says with a hearty laugh.

I must be wearing my confusion on my face as I try to follow their conversation. Levi steps up to me and fills me in. “Lexi was put on partial bed rest yesterday at her appointment to keep her off her feet. Linkin had already told Lucky he’d fill in for him this weekend, so the sisters are all over at their place keeping her company.”

“Pizza and margaritas were on the menu. My guess is so is road-head,” Ryan adds, slapping his hands together in victory and wearing an excited grin.

“And since I’m working until one, Grandma made herself comfortable in my guest room.”

“Plus, he’s opening in the morning at noon.” Dean adds.

“Which is why I feel more comfortable with someone staying at the house. She’s already starting to dilate, and even though the docs say the babies will be okay to come a little early, I’d feel a hell of a lot better if they’d stay inside Hotel Lexi for another month.”

“Babies?” I ask.

“Yep, two,” he confirms, a proud smile on his face.

“A twin is having twins,” Levi adds.

“And Linkin has twin brothers,” Ryan throws in.

“Wow, you guys don’t slouch on getting the job done,” I say with a laugh.

“We don’t,” Linkin says before turning to the guys. “I’ll see you guys soon. Drive safe.”

“I’m driving. I stopped drinking a while ago,” Dean says before turning to me. “It was nice meeting you, Sawyer. Maybe we’ll catch you again sometime.”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” I find myself saying and meaning it.

“Definitely,” Ryan says, reaching for my hand. “We’re having a cookout next weekend for Emma and Orval’s anniversary. If you’re not doing anything, you should come.”

I almost ask if AJ will be there, but I bite the words back before I can let them fly. Of course she’ll be there. It’s her grandparents.

“Sounds good, actually. I don’t really know too many people in town yet,” I say.

“I figured. The party’s moving from our place to Lexi and Linkin’s since she’s supposed to rest. Get the address from Linkin before you leave,” Ryan says before heading out into the mid-August Saturday night.

When I turn my attention back to Linkin, he slips a napkin across the bar. Not the first time that’s happened to me. Hell, not even the first time it was a dude. But I’m still thankful it’s not a phone number with a big red lipstick kiss above it.

It’s his address.

To a party.

One that AJ will be attending.

My night just started looking up even more.

I shove the napkin into my pocket and finish my beer.

“Have you met Grandma yet?” Linkin asks, a hint of a smile on his lips.

“Nope,” I answer, then recalling a Twitter tag I received earlier in the week. I would have completely skipped over it, like I do the thousands of other tags and posts, but something in the post had me stopping. The old woman was talking about my ass in the first post, which caught my attention and begged for my standard thank you reply. But it was her response with a tag and talking about dinner that really drew me in.
