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Chapter Seven


The backyard is set up with tables and chairs, streamers and balloons. There’s enough food to feed an army, thanks to Levi and Abby, and coolers on the porch filled with water, pop, and beer. A few friends of my grandparents’ mill around, chatting about the warm weather and the approaching end of summer, as we all wait for the guests of honor.

Where are they?

“The guests are arriving,” Payton whispers.

“They were supposed to be here almost thirty minutes ago,” Jaime says nervously, stirring the meatballs in the Crock-Pot.

“You don’t think anything happened to them, do you?” Abby asks, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.

“I’m sure they’re fine, babe,” Levi says as he comes up behind her and places a kiss on her cheek.

“Yeah, they probably got tied up in their red room,” Ryan laughs, making us all groan in disgust. It’s not every day your eighty-something year old grandparents construct their own red room of pain after seeing Fifty Shades of Grey.

“Why did you have to bring that up? I had blissfully forgotten all about the fact that my childhood bedroom now houses a Saint Andrew’s Cross and ball gags,” I reply, choking down the bile threatening to come up.

“Watch out or you’ll end up getting just that for Christmas this year,” Meghan says, a rare smile on her face. Not that she doesn’t smile, but they’re rarer than they used to be before Josh’s death. So when you see a real Meghan smile, it melts your heart and reminds you that as difficult as it can be, life goes on.

“Or I could get a sex swing, like Abby and Levi,” I sass.

“Stop talking,” Abby begs, her face turning a gorgeous shade of fuchsia.

“Yes, please stop talking,” Dad says as he joins our group and gives hugs to each of his daughters.

“They will be here shortly, I’m sure. I’d rather not think about what they could be doing in the house that would have kept them,” Dad says, shivering as he joins Dean and Ryan at the grill.

“Oh, I forgot to mention that Nick ended up staying in town, so I invited him to stop by,” Meghan tells us.

Nick would be Dr. Adams, her boss. She’s worked for him since she graduated college and came back to Jupiter Bay. Nick had just started himself at one of the few dental offices in town, and recently purchased the business from Dr. Zastrow when he retired.

“Ohhhhh, how is the good doc?” Payton asks, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

“He’s fine,” Meghan shrugs. “But he broke up with Collette last week. He’s been moping around the office, so I invited him to get him out of the house.”

Dr. Adams has been absolutely wonderful where Meghan is concerned. After Josh’s accident, he gave her as much time off as she needed to grieve, and still continues to be a friend. We’ve silently wondered if maybe something more could come of their budding friendship, but there was always the factor of Collette.

But now…

“He’s here,” Jaime says, nodding to the side of the house where Nick Adams has just emerged.

He meets Meghan in the yard, offering her a friendly smile. He’s a great looking guy, with dark hair just long enough to tangle your fingers in and hazel eyes. In fact, there was a time where I wouldn’t have said no to the good doctor if he had asked me out. Meghan actually planned to set us up once, but then he started dating Collette Cartwright so nothing more became of it.

Now, even knowing that he’s single again, I don’t feel anything toward him. Yes, he’s hot with those hard muscles you can only achieve by spending time working out, but he just doesn’t do anything for me.

At least not anymore.

Now, my panties seem to become useless just by conjuring up the image of one certain baseball player. The way he kissed me back in July, like he was about to devour me and provide orgasm upon orgasm for as long as he could dish them out, is enough to keep me up late into the night. I’ve relived that kiss so many times, it’s tattooed onto my brain and shows no sign of ever going anywhere.

Then there’s the way I can feel those sexy blue eyes watching me at school. I can feel them in the teachers’ lounge and when I’m walking down the hall. It’s so intense, it’s as if I could literally feel him reach out and touch me. And then there’s the fact that he’s so freaking tall. I’ve never been attracted to someone who’s six six (that’s his height, according to his Wikipedia page). He’s like a skyscraper, all broad shoulders and rippling muscles.

I’m completely enthralled with a coworker, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

And the object of my late night self-induced orgasms just walked around the side of the house.

