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And my Lord, that hard-on. It was long and hard and pressed into my stomach, ensuring that I’d remember the way it felt against me for years to come. Hell, probably even a lifetime. It was that memorable of a cock.

My hands gripped at his shirt. I was afraid of breaking the connection or that he’d disappear altogether, leaving me alone to wallow in my loneliness and self-pity. But he didn’t. He was there, holding me tight and kissing me like I was the very oxygen he needed to breathe.

“Will you come up to my room?” he asked, his hands still threaded into my hair.

“Yes.” It was the only answer I could give. I was drowning in his blue eyes, captivated by his being. I needed more.

Unfortunately, that’s when my current state of drunkenness reared its ugly head. My stomach pitched like I was lost at sea on a dingy and I started to sweat. How much had I had to drink? Too much. The answer was entirely too much.

“You okay?” he asked, taking in my chalky green complexion and stomach-clenching tremors.

I knew what was about to happen, and apparently so did he.

Sawyer spun around, pulling me to the bushes just as my stomach decided to unleash hours’ worth of alcohol and food. If I wasn’t too busy puking my guts up all over the sidewalk and the evergreens, I’d be completely mortified. Instead, I spilled everything I ate and drank that day, while the man held my hair and whispered sweet words in my ear. Of course, it wasn’t what I had hoped he’d be whispering. You know, “Fuck, you feel so good” or “I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t remember your name.”

Instead, I was hearing, “Shhhh, sweetheart, it’s okay,” while he rubbed circles on my heaving back.

When I was finally done retching, he picked up my boneless body and carried me off as if I weighed nothing. I remember hearing the elevator ding. I remember feeling him juggle my body as he unlocked his room. I remember the feel of soft sheets against my clammy skin.

But I couldn’t open my eyes.

The last thing I remember before I slipped into unconsciousness was a cool rag placed on my forehead and the feel of his fingers against my cheek as he moved my hair. In the morning, I woke up alone. He was gone, and if it weren’t for the fancy hotel room, I’d think he was a figment of my imagination.

But he wasn’t.

I know it.

Now, here I am, surrounded by my family, having a great time as we celebrate our last sisters’ night before school starts up again in a few weeks, and I’m lost in the memories of blue eyes and fantastic kisses. They haunt me in my sleep almost nightly, ensuring that I wake horny and yearning for more.

But more will never happen.

He was gone when I woke up and left no further way to make contact. I mean, would you leave your name and number for the woman who puked all over the sidewalk outside your hotel?

So now I’m left with those pesky memories that won’t go away and an overactive imagination of what could have been if not for the pukepocalypse. I guess that just proves that I’m destined to be alone. I’m always going to kiss frogs who don’t turn into princes. I’m never going to find my person the way Payton, Jaime, Abby, and Lexi have.

And that’s okay.

I don’t need a man.

I don’t need a relationship.

Relationships are nothing but hurt and pain.

I’m fine on my own.

I got this.
