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Chapter Fifteen


“I swear to God, if I didn’t love that man so much I would kill him. He’s driving me to drink,” Lexi says, her belly protruding from her midsection so big, that it almost makes me uncomfortable for her.

“But you can’t drink,” I prompt.

“Thanks for the reminder,” Lexi chastises sarcastically.

“It can’t be that bad,” Meghan says softly, always the peacemaker.

“Oh, it is! He thinks I’m helpless. It’s always No, Lexi, don’t move. Should you be up? Why are you walking? No, Firecracker, we can’t have sex. The babies, the babies, the babies!” Her voice escalates dramatically with each word, not to mention the fact that everyone else in the room turned and started listening when she said sex.

“You’re not having the sex?” Jaime gasps. “I thought you said pregnancy makes you…horny,” she whispers so only us sisters can hear.

“It does! And he knows it!” Lexi hollers, adding the oil to the mixture in her bowl and stirring the ever-loving shit out of it. “But why would he want sex with me, anyway,” she adds, her voice sounding completely dejected. “Look at me.” Lexi drops her hand to her huge abdomen and gently rubs.

“Why wouldn’t he want to have sex with you?” Payton asks, dumbfounded. “You’re gorgeous. You’re glowing and light up a room.”

“That’s sweat, Payters. I’m a sweaty pig,” she says, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

“You’re amazing,” I add. “Look at you. You’re growing that man’s babies in your body.”

“And we’ve all seen the way he looks at you, Lexi. That man can’t keep his eyes or his hands off you.” This from Abby. We all nod our heads in agreement.

“I know,” she whispers. “He’s the one who’s amazing. He dotes on me, anticipates my next move before I do, and treats me better than anyone ever has. And don’t get me started on when he sings to the babies at bedtime,” she says with a teary smile on her face.

“Aww,” we all coo together.

“He sings?”

“It’s the only thing that calms them down. I’m pretty sure we’re having boys because they already fight like cats and dogs, and let me tell you, there is absolutely no more room for horseplay in this womb.”

“He loves you so much,” Meghan says, her own eyes glistening with tears.

“He does,” Lexi confirms. “Even when I’m a hormonal psychopath who screams at him for not letting me go to the bathroom alone.” She sniffles, completely forgoing her bath bomb mixture in front of her. Hell, we’ve all pretty much disregarded our bowls. “And I love him too.”

“He knows that,” I remind her, reaching across the table and patting her hand. “That’s why he puts up with your hormonal psychopath side,” I add lightheartedly.

She laughs and wipes her tears. “We better get these finished. He’s probably chomping at the bit to come over and drag me back to the house.”

“How did you convince him to let you out?” Abby asks. It’s no secret Linkin has gone to the extreme to make sure our sister is taking it easy.

“Road-head,” she says loudly, drawing the attention of the ladies around us once more.

“You’re giving him road-head? Atta girl!” Jaime boasts, a proud little gleam in her eye.

“Are you kidding me? I can’t give road-head like this! I can’t see my feet, Jaime! God, I miss my feet. I haven’t seen them in months,” she mumbles, grimacing a little as if in pain.

“What was that?” Meghan asks as all of us watch our baby sister adjust her position in her chair.

“Nothing,” she waves off. “Just those Braxton Hicks things. I’ve been having them all day. Totally fine. Why are we not talking about AJ and the fact that she’s having sex with a major leaguer?”

“Former major leaguer,” I correct.

“But you are having the sex with him, right?”

I glance around and notice a couple of young ladies at the table next to us are very quiet and they appear to be leaning in our direction. I know I won’t be giving them any of the gory details like they’re hoping, especially not in a public place with very open ears eager to hear all of the personal details. There’s something about hearing about the paparazzi that followed and hounded Sawyer that has me biting my tongue right now.
