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“I’m sure everything’s fine, Abs,” Payton replies.

Just then, we watch Lexi walk out of the bathroom. Linkin is behind her, trying to help guide her back into the room, when she stops and makes a face. It’s one of complete discomfort and maybe a little worry. Linkin doesn’t see it, but we all do.

“Everything okay, Lexi?” Jaime asks cautiously as she comes over and joins us.

“Fine. Everything’s fine,” she confirms.

“You sure?” I ask slowly.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that? It’s just a little Braxton Hicks contractions,” she assures.

“Braxton Hicks? You’re having contractions?” Linkin asks, his eyes wide with panic.

“Braxton. Hicks,” she bites out, taking a large pause between the two words for emphasis.

“But when my mom was pregnant with twins, she–”

“Stop right there, Stone. I’ve heard every detail of your mom’s pregnancy with the hellions. I know what I’m talking about here,” she insists.

“But she thought–”

“Enough, Linkin! I know what contractions are and these aren’t them!” she hollers, but then bends down and grabs her stomach, moaning a little. “Holy shit, that hurts,” she pants.

“We’re going to the hospital,” Linkin demands.

“I’m fine,” she whispers, trying to catch her breath. “It’s not time yet for the babies.”

Linkin seems to transform right before our eyes. He bends down until he’s face-to-face with Lexi. “I know you’re fine, Firecracker, but humor me, okay? Let’s go to the hospital so that they can tell us they’re Braxton Hicks and send us home. Then you can tell me I told you so for the rest of the night while I massage your feet,” he says softly as he brushes the hair off her forehead. He’s so gentle and supportive of her that it brings tears to my own eyes, not to mention the tears that well up in Lexi’s eyes.

“Okay, babe. Let’s go,” she concedes gently, allowing him to lead her toward the door.

“Is she okay?” Sawyer asks as I start to gather up our things.

“He thinks she’s in labor. I could tell by the way he completely changed his demeanor. He’s not giving her a hard time anymore.”

“Is she in labor?” Jaime asks.

“It’s not time yet,” Payton says, her voice laced with worry.

“Let’s go to the hospital just to make sure,” Meghan suggests.

Together, we all rush from the building. I jump into the passenger seat of Sawyer’s car and we immediately fall in line with the rest of my family, making our way to the hospital. It’s the first time this evening I’m glad we weren’t drinking.

I know what you’re gonna say–a Summer sisters’ night without booze? It happens. Well, it happened tonight. No one wanted to drink in front of Lexi, especially since she’s so irritable and emotional lately. She’s been talking a lot about having a drink when the babies are born, so we didn’t want to rub her nose in the fact that we could all drink and she couldn’t.

We’re both quiet as we race to the hospital. Sawyer reaches over and links his fingers with mine, quietly offering me support. My uneasiness is a palpable creature, living and breathing in the car with me. My foot bounces against the floorboard and sounds like a snare drum during a pep rally.

“I’m sure she’s fine. They’ll probably send her home, like Linkin said,” Sawyer assures me.

“You’re probably right. But it still concerns me a little. She’s not scheduled to have them for a couple more weeks.”

“Let’s just get to the hospital and see what’s going on, okay?”

“Yeah.” It’s hard to swallow over the huge lump in my throat.

Sawyer parks in the lot next to Ryan’s truck. We make sure everyone is accounted for and then all head into the hospital together. Our group bypasses the front counter and heads to Labor and Delivery.

“Should we call Dad?” Abby asks.

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