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I give him a grateful smile before sliding my arms around his waist. “How will I sleep without being next to you?” I ask, resting my cheek against his chest. His arms envelop me, surrounding me in his warmth and scent.

“I could ask you the same thing, Alison Jane,” he states simply.

“My car is at your house.”

“Take mine. You can drop me off at my place and go to your sister’s house.”

“Why don’t I just grab mine while I’m at your place?”

Sawyer takes my chin in his fingers and raises it until I’m gazing up at his big blue eyes. “I kinda like you taking mine.” Then he bends down and kisses me on the lips.

“Fine, but your car is way nicer than mine. I might get used to your fancy butt warmers,” I tease, even though there’s no need for seat warmers in October.

“You can drive my car anytime you want, but when you need your ass warmed, all you need to do is ask, sweetheart.” His eyes turn molten and a wicked little smile plays on his lips. My face heats up at the thought of Sawyer spanking my ass, but that’s not the only thing. My entire body seems to respond to his words.

We pull apart and help the rest of the crew pick up the mess we made. Sawyer makes sure the pitching machines are off and the facility is left in the same order it was in when we arrived earlier. When all of the tables are straightened and the trash is taken out back to the dumpster, we all head out into the cooler October night.

“You got her?” Payton asks as she pulls me into a hug.


“Call me if you need me. I’ll come right over,” she adds, kissing my cheek.

“Me too,” Jaime whispers in my ear when she gives me a hug.

“Levi’s working all night. Why don’t I join you?” Abby suggests.

“I’m sure she would appreciate that,” I tell her.

“I’ll run home and grab some clothes. She can ride with us to my place and I’ll grab my car,” she says and heads to Payton’s car, Meghan in tow. Levi drove his truck since he’d be off to work before the party ended, so Abby arranged to grab a ride home with our oldest sister and brother-in-law.

Meeting Sawyer at his car, he helps me into the passenger seat before getting into the car himself. Talk is small as we head back to his house. We both seem to find comfort in the silence, our fingers entwined in each other’s on his lap. My mind keeps going to Meghan and what she’s dealing with on a daily basis. I couldn’t imagine feeling that kinda loss regularly.

The thought of losing Sawyer, even though I’ve known him a fraction of the time Meghan knew Josh, feels like a knife piercing my gut. It hurts to breathe. Then the thought of our relationship not working out filters through my mind and makes it even worse. Even though we haven’t said the words, I know I’m in love with him, and the idea of not having him in my life one day is agony.

“Hey,” he says, bringing my hand to his lips. I glance around, realizing we’re already in his driveway by the front door. “Everything all right?”

I nod my head, unable to get words past the lump in my throat. As I gaze into his sapphire eyes, I realize that even though I’m terrified of losing him, the prospect of not being with him at all is much worse. Love is scary and most of the time, you’re in it blind, but as long as two people are on the same path, it’s supposed to be worth it, right?

Are we on the same path?

God, I hope so.

Even without having the answer to that question, I still find myself needing to say it. Speak those three words that I’ve only ever said one time before, and even then, I’m not sure it was real. But this? This feels real. And right.

“I love you.”

If he’s surprised by my words, he doesn’t show it.

Instead, his eyes soften and a slow smile spreads across his lips. “I love you, too.” He says the words moments before his lips plaster to mine and he’s practically pulling me across the car and into his lap. “Fuck, I think I fell in love with you that first night I saw you.”

My moan is swallowed by his mouth; his lips dominating and consuming me. The slide of his tongue against mine is like gasoline to the already scorching fire that has been slowly burning all evening. “Fuck,” he gasps, pulling his lips free from mine. “I want nothing more than to take you upstairs to my bed and make love to you all night long.” That makes me whimper. “But you’re needed with Meghan tonight,” he says as he places gentle kisses along my jaw.

“Maybe I can be a little late,” I suggest, gasping as his tongue tastes the sensitive skin under my ear.

“As appealing as that sounds, and believe me, baby, that sounds fucking amazing, we both know you need to get going.” He’s right. Dammit.

“Fine, but I’m sneaking out early in the morning. This is to be continued.”
