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“Are you?” she asks, getting up and walking to me. Before I realize what’s happening, she kneels down between my legs and runs a manicured nail up my thigh. The trench coat splitting open between her legs to reveal nothing.

That’s a huge red flag.

Jumping to my feet, I practically knock her on her ass. My head swims and it’s hard to focus. What the fuck? I’ve only had two beers.

“Yes, I’ve moved on. There’s nothing between us but a past, Carrie,” I hear myself say, but don’t feel my own lips moving. “And that’s where we stay. There is no us anymore.”

“I know,” she says, sadness filling her eyes. “I can see how happy she makes you.” Carrie crosses her arms over her chest protectively, her store-bought DDs exploding from the top of the coat.

“She does,” I confirm, the room starting to spin. “I’m in love with her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.” I take a few deep breaths trying to find my center. When that doesn’t happen, I add, “I think you should go.”

“You’re right,” she says, walking over to grab her purse. Carrie returns and stands before me, the coat completely hanging open now and revealing some sort of bra and panty lingerie set. “I’m really sorry it turned out like this, Sawyer. I really am, but this is for the best.”

The best? What the fuck is she droning on about? I can’t even wrap my head around it anymore. I think I have the flu or something. My head is swimming, my stomach churning, and I’m not sure how much longer I can stand up. Shit, am I still standing up?

“Come on, Sawyer. You’ll feel much better in the morning.”

Darkness consumes me.

* * *

Marching band. There’s a marching band practicing somewhere close by, but why? Our school has a band, but why the fuck are they playing in my bedroom?

I reach over for AJ and sigh when my hand connects with smooth, bare skin. I should probably stay away if I’m coming down with something, but I need to feel her against me right now. Shit, I need to be inside of her. But I’m not sure I can without my head exploding from my body. What the hell is wrong with me?

I run my hand down her back, my cock starting to stir to life beneath the sheets. When I reach her ass, I hear her gasp.

But…it’s wrong.

It’s off.

Something’s definitely off.

She sounds…distant.

Cracking open my eyes, I regret it instantly. Soft light filters through the curtains, making my head throb even more. What the hell happened last night? I remember coming home. AJ told me she loved me and I said it in return. She left to go to her sister’s. Then, it gets…fuzzy.

“Again? You are insatiable this morning,” AJ coos beside me, flexing her ass in my hand.


It’s not AJ.

My eyes fly open and connect with emerald green ones. I know in this moment that those eyes will haunt me for the rest of my life. I’ll never forget the way she looks at me, with so much pain and hurt that it slices through my chest and embeds into my soul like a horrible, regrettable tattoo.

I glance to my left and find my ex-wife smiling coyly and brightly at me.

I’m out of bed so fast you’d think my sheets were on fire. And, in a way, they are. The pain in my head makes me stumble as I try to get to her. Trying to push the nausea aside, I sprint across the room until I’m directly in front of the woman I love. A tear slides down her cheek the same as the hurt slides down my chest.

“AJ?” I ask, not understanding what the hell is going on, but imaging how this must look to her. She glances down, her eyes wide with recognition and horror. When I realize what she’s looking at, I dive for last night’s discarded shorts on the floor. “Wait, this isn’t what you think,” I start, but the rest of the words get caught in my throat.

Because I, myself, don’t even know what to think.

“Oh, then please tell me what this is. Tell me that I didn’t just walk in on my boyfriend, in bed–NAKED–with his ex-wife. Tell me that’s not what this is,” her bitter words fly as she waves at the rumpled bed that contains my ex-wife.

“It’s not, baby, I swear,” I beg, but the crazy thing is…I don’t. I don’t know what happened last night. I can’t remember a motherfucking thing.

“Sawyer,” Carrie singsongs behind me. “That’s not what you said last night.” And then the bitch giggles. She fucking giggles, like nails on a chalkboard, making my stomach convulse and drop to my toes. But what’s worse is AJ’s reaction. The shock mixed with anger is enough to make me want to put my fist through the wall. Or maybe my head.
