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Chapter Seven


“You were supposed to be here a half hour ago!” I holler at my twin as she steps inside the salon.

“I was…busy,” she replies, dropping her shoulders and hiding the blush that’s creeping up her cheeks.

“She means they were having the sex,” Grandma chimes in, drinking something bubbly and yellow from a champagne flute.

“You’re drinking already?” Abby asks, setting her purse on the floor and heading in Grandma’s direction.

“They’re mimosas, Abbers. It’s orange juice, which is the perfect brunch beverage. Besides, it would be a sin to let them go to waste,” she adds, taking a long drink of her champagne and orange juice mixture.

“I highly doubt you’ve been repenting for your sins, Grandma,” Payton teases from her seat in my chair. Her long brown hair is going up in an elegant, simple twist.

“Oh, I’ve been talking to God a few times a week, Payters. We might be old, but with the help of modern medicine, everything still works as God intended it to,” the oldest woman in the room boasts.

“Gross,” Meghan grumbles, chugging a bit of her own drink.

“Take it easy, Meggy Pie. You don’t want to be too tipsy when walking down the aisle. You want to keep your wits about you today, so that when you look back years from now, you’ll remember every little detail fondly,” Grandma says with a smile.

“That’s sweet, and you’re so right,” Meghan replies, setting her flute down.

“And besides, when you go off to engage in the sextonight, you don’t want to be throwing up on your man’s shoes like AJ,” Grandma adds politely, making the entire room crack up.

“That wasn’t after our wedding,” AJ grumbles.

“No, but it could have been,” Grandma replies. “I saw how much you and the ball player were enjoying the open bar at your reception.”

“I hope I can remember every detail,” Meghan says, a small smile playing on her lips as she sits at Ella’s table getting a manicure.

“You will, Meggy,” Jaime assures her with a smile. “Today is going to be perfect.”

Everyone has been secretly on edge lately, praying that this wedding goes off without a hitch. After everything that Meghan went through these last few years, no one wants to see anything hinder her big day with Nick. I’ve watched my sister remain cool and calm as she’s prepared and planned this wedding, which really shouldn’t surprise me. She’s the most levelheaded of all of us Summer girls.

Way more than me.

I’m more of the shoot first, ask questions later kinda girl.

But in my defense, my husband likes to get me all riled up.

Much like he did early this morning…in bed…

Linkin has always had a natural ability to get under my skin, but do you know what? It works for us. He drives me crazy, but then makes up for it with his magical cock. It might be what has kept him alive so damn long. Lord knows I’ve almost killed him a time or two over the years.

But not really. I’m all talk, in that regard. My husband is the best thing that ever happened to me. He showed up in my life (or, more accurately, on my doorstep) when I needed him the most. Our relationship may have been a bit unconventional in the beginning, you know, with him offering to fertilize my eggs for free, ensuring he be my baby daddy, but it worked for us. He works for me, and the thought of not having him beside me in this journey through life is a little scary.

I finish Payton’s hair, while Cecelia and Barb work on Jaime, Abby, AJ, Cindy, Grandma, Nick’s sister, Natalie, and his mom, Amy. As soon as Payton is done, she heads over to where Noah is playing in a playpen, his little cousins all close by. Yes, the salon is a madhouse right now, but we have my mother-in-law, Karen, and Payton’s mother-in-law, Gretchen, as well as Dad’s girlfriend, Cindy, all to help keep somewhat order amongst the masses.

“Come on, sweet pea, you’re next,” I say to my niece, Brielle, who’s eyes light up like diamonds the moment I tell her to get in my chair. She’s been extremely patient, yet incredibly excited for today’s events. She played with all of her little cousins for a while, but she never really took her eyes off my chair.

Brielle hops up in the seat, her smile stretching from ear to ear. When I glance at Meghan, I see the same grin plastered on her face as she looks up at her flower girl.

“I want lots of curls!” Bri exclaims, slightly bouncing as she gazes at me from the mirror.

“Lots and lots of curls?” I ask as I pump the chair to raise her up.

“Yes! Lots!” she practically screams, making all of us laugh and smile.
