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Chapter Four


“He’s probably out for the night,” I whisper to the beautiful woman standing beside me.

“Yeah, we should head out. We’ve got a big day tomorrow and could all use a little sleep,” she says quietly as she gently rubs our son’s back.

Our son.

Something I thought I’d never actually say.

And do you know what? That would have been okay. If I’d spent the rest of my life with only Brielle and Payton, I would have died a happy man. But now that we have Noah? Now I know what it feels like to have a full, happy life. I’ve got all I need right here, in this room.

“You’re probably right,” I say, glancing around the room to find our daughter. “You’ll have to be the one to round up Miss Bossy Pants.”

Payton smiles. “She’s been extra bossy tonight with all of her little cousins.”

“And she gets it honestly from her mother,” I tease, knowing full well that Payton can’t argue with me. She’ll try, of course, but she knows just as well as everyone else in this room that Payton has always had the mother hen gene down pat, and thoroughly enjoys her role as oldest sister.

She turns my way, her eyebrows pulling together. “Do you want to have sex later?”


“Then you have to be nice to me. I can’t help it that I’m more authoritative than others,” she defends with her hands on her hips. Those damn hips that I love to grab, really dig my fingers into, while I’m buried deep inside her.

“That’s a very nice way to put it,” I tease with a snort, moving forward and placing a chaste kiss on her lips before she has a chance to argue. “And yes, I’d love some sex later. It’s always on the menu.”

“Not always,” she sasses before turning and heading in the direction of our daughter. I know she’s referring to the time I went out with the guys and had a bit too much to drink. I tried to sex it up with my beautiful wife when I got home, but she wasn’t too happy with my sloppy drunk state. There was definitely no sex that night.

I watch as she approaches our daughter, attempting to convince her it’s time to go. Bri glances at me, clearly not happy about the situation, but heads my way anyhow, shoulders dropped and a clear pout in full swing.

“But, Daddy, I’m not ready to go!” she says quietly the moment she gets close to me as to not wake her baby brother.

“I know, sweetheart, but Noah needs to get to bed, and you have a big day tomorrow as flower girl,” I remind my daughter.

“I can’t wait!” she proclaims, her brown eyes sparkling under the dim lights.

“Well, let’s get home so we can go to bed. The sooner we go to bed, the sooner you wake up and get to be flower girl,” Payton says with a smile. Their bond still makes my heart soar, in a very manly way, of course.

“And Aunt Lexi can do my hair?” she asks with excitement.

“Yes,” Payton replies.

“And I get to wear my pretty white dress like Aunt Meggy’s?” she asks for probably the fiftieth time in the last few days.

“Yes!” Payton exclaims with a laugh. “Let’s go say goodnight to Grandpa and Cindy, and we’ll get your brother home and in his crib.”

They go off together, hand in hand, in the direction of Brian and Cindy. My eyes do what they always do – follow their movements.

“Heading out?” Levi asks in a hushed tone as he comes to stand beside me. He instantly reaches out and rubs Noah’s back.

“Yeah, as soon as the girls go say goodbye.” I watch as he continues to run a soothing hand down my son’s sleeping form, a tiny smile playing on the corner of his lips. “You guys need to have one of these,” I add.

Levi’s eyes meet mine. “Soon.” He glances down at Noah again. “I’m ready.”

“Yeah?” I ask, happy for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. They’d both make great parents.

“Yeah, we’ve talked about it a bit lately. We just got married last year, and we’re enjoying the hell out of the honeymoon phase,” he quips with a smirk, making me laugh.
