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“The deck up front is perfect for sunbathing or watching sea life,” he says, pointing to the bench seating around the sides. He heads downstairs, grabbing my bag from the stairway as he goes.

As soon as I hit the floor, I stop, shocked by how beautiful it is down here. “Wow.”

“Right? She’s a beautiful lady,” he says with a smile, gently tapping the wall beside him. “Galley kitchen with all the amenities, only slightly smaller versions,” he adds quietly, pointing to the dorm-sized fridge.

“But you have coffee,” I comment, noting the Keurig coffee pot sitting on the counter.

“Definitely,” he replies, taking my hand once more.

We walk forward just a couple of steps and find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the living area. “Your TV is huge.” It’s on the one section of wall that doesn’t have windows or storage and is bigger than the one I have in my own living room.

Rhenn chuckles. “Yeah, it came with the boat, not that I’m complaining. Bathroom,” he instructs, pointing to the small yet nice room. Honestly, the bathroom is pretty great. It’s probably fancier than my own in the cottage. “And master bedroom.”

We walk into the room, which boasts a full-size bed in the middle. There’s a chest of drawers that appear to be built into the wall, and a small television. The walls are a dark wood, offset by the light blue bedding and skylights. There’s access to the bathroom from inside the room, as well as a tiny closet.

“We can test out that bed after my guests leave,” he whispers in my ear, while running his thumb down my bare arm. Instant. Goose bumps.

“If I play my cards right?” I tease, glancing at him over my shoulder.

“Oh no, Angel. I’m a sure thing.”

And cue the ache between my legs…

“You two ready to hit it?” Nick yells down the stairs.

“Oh, I’m definitely ready to hit it.” Something tells me he’s not referring to the sailing. To confirm my suspicions, Rhenn steps forward and presses his erection against my side. It’s big – holy moly, is it big – and definitely hard. Something tells me I’m completely out of my league with this man. The room is suddenly a thousand degrees and climbing.

Before I can rip off my clothes, throw myself onto the bed, and beg him to take me three ways to Monday, Rhenn pulls back. “Why don’t you get into your suit and I’ll get us ready to go. You can use the drawer out here for your things,” he says, stepping out of the scorching bedroom and pulling out one of the empty drawers in the living space.

I nod, unable to find words, and watch as he sets my bag on top of the table. Without a word, he throws me a wink and heads upstairs. My eyes close and a loud groan spills from my lips. How did I get myself into this mess? Well, not a mess, really. And to be honest, I’m here because I want to be. Because there’s nowhere else I’d rather be in this moment. Everything else just fades away.

Making quick work of placing my personal belongings into the drawer, I grab my suit – the one I purchased on impulse and have yet to find the guts to wear – and slip into the bathroom. There’s more room in here than I anticipated. There’s a beautiful shower unit and a small sink. More dark built-in shelves line one wall, and natural light spills from the ceiling.

I close the door, anxiety filling my stomach as I glance down at the scrap of blue material. I knew I should have brought my one piece, but I also knew that if I had, I would talk myself out of wearing this one. Harper convinced me while I was having a weak moment that I could pull this one off. I’m not so sure I can, though. It’s…well, tiny. It’s all dental floss and majestic blue material, the same color as Rhenn’s eyes, coincidentally.

Sucking it up, I rip off my shorts and tank top and throw on the bikini. I feel naked. I’ve never – and I do mean never – worn something so revealing, especially in front of another human being, let alone three others. Before I grab my wrap, I risk a glance in the mirror. I’m a little on the pale side, having no time to sunbathe this early in the summer season. Actually, I’m not sure I’ve spent much time in the sun for the last three summers. The bed and breakfast has taken off so much, filling every weekend to capacity, that I don’t allow myself much downtime, even though my mom tries to push me out the door. There’s just too much to do on a day-to-day basis, and taking an afternoon to lie in the sun isn’t a luxury I’ve been able to afford.

I risk a glance down at the bikini bottoms. I feel like my ass cheeks are completely exposed, but I find them tastefully covered. Well, as covered as can be, all things considered. I do have a two-piece suit that I’ll wear on occasion, but it has a tankini and a skirt. Not a lot of skin showing there; not like this one.

Also, it’s a good thing my sister talked me into a bikini wax last weekend…

Overall, I don’t look too bad, all things considering. My stomach isn’t nearly as tight as Harper’s but that’s because I don’t spend nearly as much time in the gym as I pretend to. Plus, I like home-baked goods. You know, cookies, brownies, chocolate truffle a la mode with home-churned vanilla ice cream. I make some fabulous desserts, and I’m not one to shy away from a little taste test every now and again. Desserts are life. And that’s okay. Steeling my resolve, I suck in a deep breath and grab the door handle. Before I can throw on my wrap to cover up the bikini, I head upstairs, grabbing my sunscreen as I go.

The sun is bright as I join the others on deck, so I move my sunglasses from my head to my face. There’s a light breeze, not enough of a chill, but enough to not feel like you’re baking under the intense mid-morning sunlight.

“Hubba, hubba!” Meghan bellows before throwing in a catcall for good measure.

I can feel my cheeks starting to heat as I glance her way. She’s smiling widely, wearing her own pink and yellow bikini, and sitting beside her husband on the bench seat. Nick wears a smirk, but his eyes aren’t on me; they’re just over my shoulder. Slowly, I turn and face the driver…errr, captain. His mouth is hanging open – like catching flies open – and his eyes are so wide, I can see the whites behind his sunglasses.

“Fucking hell,” he mumbles, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean for me to hear.

I glance down, suddenly afraid I don’t have something properly covered. When I don’t see anything exposed (you know, no one needs a Janet Jackson nip-slip), I take the wrap and start to bring it to my shoulder. I’m not entirely sure if his reaction is of the good variety or not, but I’m not really comfortable enough to wait around to find out.

Rhenn is moving lightning fast before I even have the sheer black material over one arm. “Don’t you dare,” he practically growls, low enough that I don’t think my cousin and her husband heard. He rips his glasses off, the look of pure lust and desire clearly etched on his handsome face as he reaches for the wrap and tosses it over his shoulder.

Into the ocean.

“That wasn’t very nice,” I whisper. Meghan starts to laugh behind me, and all I can do is stare into those intoxicating blue eyes. He looks as if he’s about to eat me alive, slowly and deliciously. My body is humming and I’m pretty sure my nipples are now poking through my suit.

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