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“Thank you,” he says, grabbing the mug I placed on the counter and filling it to the top.

“How was your run?” Mom asks, drawing my eyes to his sweaty, yet still incredibly sexy body. His hair is standing up and his chest is wet. My tongue practically dangles from my mouth as I watch droplets of moisture slowly slide down the eight distinct grooves of his abs.

He places the pot back in the machine and gives Mom one of his full-watt smiles, a trail of wetness disappearing into the waist of his shorts. “It was refreshing to say the least,” he replies as he brings the cup to his mouth. His totally kissable, sexy mouth.

“Well, I may not agree with the refreshing part, but I can respect someone’s commitment to it. I was never a runner, but Colin, my ex-husband, used to run 5K’s back when the kids were born.”

“I’ve run many 5K’s. There’s nothing like the rush of running distance,” Rhenn says, leaning back against my counter as if he owns it. Damn, he looks good there.

“Rhenn thinks running is fun,” I gasp to Mom, making a disgusted face to prove my point.

“And Marissa obviously doesn’t agree,” Rhenn laughs, throwing me a wink.

Mom stands up and takes a few steps to the front door. “I’ll let you kids get to your day. Rhenn, it was good to see you.” Turning to me she adds, “Thank you for the coffee. I’m going to head into the office and grab a few things. I’m going to work from Harper’s shop today and start confirming reservations.”

“Do you have a date?” Rhenn asks, referring to the date where the inspector says we can occupy the house again.

“We have a timeline of three weeks to final inspection. As long as everything passes inspection, we’ll reopen in four.”

“I’m happy to hear it,” he says, and I can tell by his smile that it’s genuine.

“Call me if you need me,” Mom hollers over her shoulder as she heads out the door, leaving Rhenn and me alone in my kitchen. He’s staring at me, a wicked gleam sparkling in those blue eyes as he smirks over the rim of his cup.


He sets his cup down on the counter and takes a predatory step my way. “I was just wondering how you got so dirty,” he states, never taking those eyes off mine.

I glance down, looking for the source of his comment. “I’m not dirty,” I say, checking over my arms. It’s not uncommon for me to find flour or food remnants on my arms from preparing meals or desserts, but I haven’t done anything but drink a cup of coffee.

When I glance back up, confused as to what he’s talking about, I know I’ve been played. Warmth pools between my legs and my nipples pebble against my shirt as my confused eyes meet his hungry ones.

“You’re not yet, but you’re about to be,” he says just before he crouches down, puts his shoulder into my stomach, and tosses me over his shoulder. I squeal as he stands and walks toward the bathroom. In reality, it only takes him about three steps to reach the room, but I enjoy the hell out of the view, and even say as much with a friendly slap to his hard rear.

Mom’s right: he has a fine ass!

* * *

“You gonna take a break soon?” Rhenn says as he enters the guest bedroom I’m working on. I’m hot, with sweat running down the back of my shirt, but I’m determined to finish this room today. I fell behind schedule now that I spent the holiday weekend with Rhenn, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. We only have two weeks together, and three to four before we reopen.

I need to focus.

But my focus is shot to hell when he comes strolling in wearing jeans that mold perfectly to his legs and a tight T-shirt that, while showing very little signs of sweat, looks good enough to peel off his body…with my tongue. Can a tongue peel off a shirt? I’m willing to prove that it can.

“What?” I ask. He’s smirking at me and waiting, clearly already knowing that my mind was in the gutter.

“You tell me. I want to know what you were thinking about. All of a sudden, your eyes dropped to my chest and your breathing hitched,” he says as he slowly approaches. Even his walk is sexy.

“Did not,” I mumble. It did.

“Oh, it most certainly did, Angel. Your eyes kinda widened just a little and then turned a few shades darker. They’re like cut grass after a rain shower. Have I ever told you green was my favorite color?” he asks as he approaches. The scrub brush falls from my hand as he wraps one hand around my lower back and pulls me against his chest.

“You have all the lines,” I reply, blowing a strand of hair off my forehead.

Rhenn grabs that piece of hair and pushes it behind my ear. “It’s not a line. It’s the truth.”

“Well, then, by all means, tell me again,” I say, offering just the faintest smile as I gaze up at him.

“Tell you how sexy I think your eyes are? And these tiny little freckles on the end of your nose,” he adds, slowly running a finger down the bridge of my nose, “are my fucking undoing.” Then his finger reaches my lips. “And these lips? I dream about these pink, plump lips.”
