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It’s Friday night and we’re heading to one of her favorite places in Rockland Falls. We both cut out of work just a little early, but with all the extra time we’ve been putting in throughout the week, we’re still ahead of schedule.

Let’s not talk about that fact right now either…

Marissa climbs up in my truck, her legs in a pair of jean shorts and a purple and gray flowy tank top showing just a smidge of stomach when she lifts her arms. Compared to some of my previous dates, she’s modestly dressed in a comfortable and casual way. But do you know what? It’s sexy as fuck.

Even her Nike tennis shoes are hot.

“Where are we going?” I ask when I hop in the driver’s seat and pull down their lane.

“It’s a surprise,” she says happily, her smile easy and infectious.

“Well, you will tell me how to get there, right?” I reach for her hand and set it between us, our fingers linked. That’s another thing I chose to ignore, mostly because her hand feels like it was made to fit within mine.

“Of course, silly. Head left on the highway and drive through town. When you get to the McDonald’s, turn left.”

“I can handle that. Why don’t you find some music?”

It only takes her a few stations to find the one she’s looking for, and I have to admit, I’m a little shocked. Blaring through my speakers is Godsmack. Glancing over, I find Marissa bobbing her head in beat to the heavy music, her lips moving ever so slightly with the words. She looks my way, seemingly feeling the weight of my stare, and says, “What?”


“Yeah. You don’t like them?” she asks, getting ready to change the station.

“Like them? I love them. You just don’t seem like a Godsmack kinda girl,” I answer honestly.

Marissa shrugs her shoulders and gives me a shy smile. “I guess I’m full of surprises.”

“I guess you are,” I say, keeping my eyes on the road and enjoying the music. It only takes us a few minutes and I’m turning left at the McDonald’s, as instructed.

“When you get to the next stop sign, make another left. You’re going to follow that road around the river for a few miles,” she instructs, jumping right into the Breaking Benjamin song now playing. It still shocks me. I wasn’t necessarily expecting classical or jazz music, but I definitely wasn’t envisioning this. Maybe country or pop. Not rock.

The road we’re on starts to wind around the river as we drive farther from the ocean. Trees are in full bloom, bright green and full, and the sun still sits high in the sky. It’s the first of June and already indicating that the summer months will be warm ones. We pass a few houses, but there’s plenty of distance between them, nothing that would constitute neighbors.

As we approach a heavily wooded area, Marissa sits up and watches. “Slow down. You’re making a right up here. It’s almost hidden, so be ready to turn.”

She’s not kidding. I almost miss the turn, but as soon as I do, I’m completely stunned by what’s in front of me. The road is dirt, well worn, and completely tree lined. There’s plenty of room for two vehicles to pass, but appears to be somewhat deserted. I don’t say a word, just drive slowly down the road, ready to make my next move.

“Up here on the left will be a parking area,” she says, pointing to the clearing in the trees. It’s a gravel lot with one other car parked there. I steer my truck to a spot in the corner and turn off the ignition. “Ready?” she asks, tossing off her seat belt and sitting up high in the seat.

“I’m not sure what I’m ready for, but you seem super excited, so let’s get to it.” I jump out of my truck and head to the passenger side, helping Marissa down. I go ahead and take the opportunity to steal a kiss while I’m there, making sure to leave her completely breathless. “That should tide me over for a few minutes.”

She doesn’t respond, but I’ve noticed she doesn’t do that often when she’s flustered, and my kisses definitely get her all worked up. Much like me. Right now, I’m definitely up.

“Come on, pokey.” Marissa takes off at a fast pace, heading toward a walking trail. It doesn’t take me long to catch up with her, considering my legs are much longer than hers, and when I do, I go ahead and take her hand in mine once more.

The farther we head up the trail, the more serene our surroundings. There are a few critters running around and a bunch of sticks and branches. Off in the distance, I hear what sounds like water running, and I can’t help but notice that her pace picks up just a bit. When we meet the occupants of the other vehicle on the trail, we all offer a quick greeting, but continue on our way. “That was the mayor’s son and his wife. She just had a baby a few weeks ago.” I nod in acknowledgment, but keep my mouth shut and my legs moving. “Almost there.” She’s practically bouncing in her tennis shoes.

After a few minutes, we reach a clearing. I have a pretty good idea where we’re going, considering how noisy it is now, but what I wasn’t expecting was for it to be as beautiful as it is. Marissa stops in her tracks, me right beside her, and together, we gaze up at the most beautiful little waterfall I’ve ever seen.

“Rockland Falls,” she whispers, a smile spread across her face.

I tighten my grip on her hand and lead her toward the impressive sight. There are large boulders surrounding the falls, and a large pool of blue-green water at the base. “So I guess this is where your town got its name.”

“The first settlers used to call it Rocky Land because of the large boulders that surrounded the waterway. If you follow it up or downstream, you’ll see those boulders for miles. When Rockland Falls became an actual town, they took that name and shortened it.”

I gaze up at the waterfall, completely in awe. At the top, the waters rage, almost angrily and loud, and at the bottom, it seems almost calm and peaceful. “This place is awesome,” I tell her.

She smiles up at the falls. “It’s probably my second favorite place in town, after the bed and breakfast, of course.”
