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Hitting the water is a shock, but so is the mouthful I take in before I can close my wide-open trap. I come up sputtering and gasping, somewhere between falling and hitting the water, dropping my three hundred dollar binoculars into the ocean. Thank Christ my phone wasn’t in my pocket, but then I think about the wallet that is.

Embarrassed, and slightly irritated by my stupidity, I swim over the ladder and hoist myself up. As soon as my feet hit the deck I turn toward the shore, praying with everything inside me that she has fallen asleep and doesn’t know what just happened. Unfortunately, my eyes meet her very wide, very concerned ones. Even from the distance, I can see her shock as she clenches the towel to her chest, covering up all the good parts I was just ogling.

Head hanging in shame, there’s no way I can sweet talk my way out of this one without coming across as the biggest asshole on the planet. Hell, I can’t even talk to her now anyway considering we’re about two hundred yards apart. Resigned to head downstairs, dry myself off, and deal with my wallet mess, I turn to head below. Just as I do, a loud whistle grabs my attention. Turning back around, I find Marissa now on the edge of the dock, waving. At least she’s not pissed, right? She doesn’t seem pissed. I mean, it’s hard to tell from this distance, with a huge body of water between us, but if she were upset, she surely wouldn’t wave at me.


I’m horrible at this. Yes, I, Rhenn Burleski, manwhore who knows his way around a woman’s body blindfolded and drunk, am admitting I’m not so good with reading women when it’s not about flirting and sex. That I can do. But this? Whole new territory, filled with murky, shark-infested waters.

I throw her a wave, a wide smile cresting my face, and get ready to head below deck. Just before my feet move, she does the one thing I would never, ever, ever in a billion years expect her to do.

She drops the towel.

Instantly, my cock is hard and raring to go in my soaked shorts. I stand there, gawking like the perv I’ve proven to be, and watch (a little helplessly) as she smiles wide and turns, the sway of her ass hypnotizing me as she goes. Yeah, she totally won that round. Marissa collects her belongings on the beach and heads up the grass lane that leads to her place. Before she disappears from sight, my little vixen glances over her shoulder, her pearly whites visible even from the distance.




* * *

After a long shower and a change of clothes, I head to shore, ready to help clean the downstairs with Marissa and her siblings. When I tie off the boat, I’m surprised to see her step from the lane and onto the beach.

“Hey,” she says, heading my direction.


She meets me on the dock wearing a pair of shorts and fitted tee. “So, did you have a nice swim?” Her eyelashes bat innocently, but her smile screams wicked woman.

“Yeah, it was great,” I reply, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into my chest.

Marissa runs her hands up my chest. “Feeling a little…hot, were ya?”

I almost groan. “You have no idea.”

Wrapping her hands around my neck, she looks up at me with full pouty lips and dark eyes. “I think I do, actually,” she says, moving one hand down and palming my erection.

“Fuck, I’ve been hard since I saw you on the beach,” I confess.

She continues to drive me wild, stroking me through my shorts and cutting off any and all blood flow to my actual brain. “I didn’t know you were there.”

“To say I was shocked was an understatement,” I gasp, trying to focus on her words and not her hand. But it’s hard…so, so hard…

“Did you watch me?” she whispers, her eyes locked on mine as she moves her hand down to cup my balls.

“Fuckshitdamn,” I grumble, feeling them pull up tight as she caresses them with her magic fingers.

“Did you?” she asks again.

“Fuck yes,” I groan, grabbing her hips and flexing mine. My cock rubs against her stomach.

“You’ve been very naughty.” She moves her hand back up to my dick and strokes it long and slow. I’m about to come in my shorts like a teenager.

“As have you, Angel,” I finally say through gritted teeth.

“What are we going to do about that?” she asks all innocently, but I can tell her mind is exactly where mine is.
