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The asshole is smiling. “That was you getting your ass kicked.”

I snort. “What the fuck ever, dreamer.”

He reaches over for the towel on the bench and throws it at my face. “You’re bleeding.”

Swiping at my nose, I find a slow stream of red staining the white towel. “When the fuck did you do that?”

“When you were crying about your ribs.”

“Bastard,” I grumble, tossing the towel to the side and lying back down on the mat. We’re both quiet for several minutes as we regain control of our breathing.

“You want to talk about it?”


Again, he’s quiet for a few long seconds. “She’s miserable too.”

My world tilts on its axis and my eyes close. All I can picture is her sweet smile and the way her eyes lit up with excitement when I would kiss her. Fuck, I miss her. “How do you know?” I find myself asking, even though I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t care, yet I do.

“Meghan talked to her last night.”

I don’t say anything. What the hell am I supposed to say? I’m sorry? Well, she’s not the only one fucking miserable, okay? I’m dying a slow death without her, and I hate it. I fucking hate it so much I’m not sure how I’m going to make it through the night, let alone the rest of my life.

“You know, there comes a time in every man’s life when he has to admit he was wrong. You, my friend, were wrong.”

Rolling over to my side, I arch my eyebrow. “Please, oh wise one, elaborate on how I was so wrong.” Honestly, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know the answer to this.

“You find yourself incapable of love, but you’re wrong. You are the most giving, trusting man I’ve ever known, Rhenn. You just refuse to see it yourself.”

Well, hell. Pull out the big guns, why don’t ya?

I open my mouth to argue, but he stops me. “You love her, but you’re scared. Afraid you’ll do something to fuck it up, so you kept it light and easy, just like always. But do you know what? This time is different. She’s different. I’ve never seen you sullen and pissy before and do you know why?” I arch another eyebrow. “Because you. Love. Her.” He goes ahead and pauses between each word for emphasis.


“And,” he continues, “you haven’t felt this way since Suzanne, who dicked you around and broke your heart. Do you know why?”

“Keep going,” I tell him.

“Because she wasn’t the one for you. Marissa is. Everything that has happened in your life has led you to this moment, to this woman. So what’s it gonna be? You gonna walk away and go about your life like the lifeless dick you are, or are you gonna go back there and fight for the woman you love?”

I hate him.

Yet, I love him more.

Because he’s right.

I love her. So much it hurts to be apart from her. But am I capable of giving her what she wants? What she needs?

I already know the answer to that question, because I’m not the same man I was before I met her. I want to be better – for her and for me.

“When did you get so smart?” I ask, smiling over at my friend, even though it hurts just a little – but I’m not about to show him that.

“I’ve always been this brilliant, you’ve just been too preoccupied to see it.”

I laugh. “I guess you’ve got me there. So what do I do?”

Nick smiles at me, and I can practically see the light bulb click on above his head. “This is what you do…”

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