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Me: Except…

Me: He wasn’t bad in bed.

Me: He was actually really, REALLY good…

Free: I knew it! He totally has that “I can rock your world in five seconds flat” look to him.

Me: He does.

Me: Anyway…

Free: Stop thinking about him.

Me: I can’t.

Free: I know.

Me: I miss him, and I hate that.

Free: Because you love him.

Me: …

Free: It’s okay to love him, Harp.

Me: NO IT’S NOT! He hurt me!

Free: He did. He’s a guy and he’s stupid and his dick isn’t big!

Me: But it is! Really big!

Free: I figured. Share a pic next time? *insert devil smiling emoji*

Me: No! And there will be no next time.

Free: If you say so.

Me: You are all over the place.

Free: Yet, you still love me.

Me: I do.

Free: Go home.

Me: Fine

I toss the phone onto the floor beside me, rubbing my eyes. I glance down at the pj’s I’m wearing (she totally called it) and at the bins of panties around me. She’s right. This can totally wait until Monday.

Standing up, I stretch my tight back, hating how my muscles protest the movement after spending the last couple of hours on the floor. I slowly make my way to my laptop, shutting down the playlist, bathing the room in silence.

Only, it’s not silent.

There’s music.

And it’s getting louder by the second.

The twangy country vocals of Tammy Wynette billow through the wall. My body instantly straightens, my blood swooshing in my ears. I stand there for several seconds, making sure I’m not hallucinating. Nope, definitely not. Coming through my wall is the exact same song the Devil next door downloaded on my laptop to play on repeat.

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