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“Well, if you’re not doing anything, stop by. They’re pretty great people, and Marissa has enough food planned to feed an army.” With a quick wave, Rhenn slips back into the room, leaving Latham and I alone in the hall.

After a few tense seconds of awkward silence, I turn to head to my spin class. “Harper.” Glancing over my shoulder, my eyes meet his. “You’re gonna be late.”

“Well, maybe if you would zip it and let me go, I wouldn’t be,” I retort.

The corner of his mouth twitches and laughter fills his eyes. “See you after class,” he says, slowly walking backward to the main room where weights clank together and music pumps through the speakers.

“You’re not joining me?” I ask, walking backward myself to my class.

“Oh, I’ll be joining you. Later.” With a wink, he turns and walks away, disappearing around the corner and getting lost in the sea of gym-goers.

And now, I’m left with spinning, when my body craves another workout. Oh well, I guess I do have something to look forward to.


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