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As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I notice the way her car is haphazardly parked in the alley. I also notice the paper slipped under windshield wiper. My face breaks out in an immediate grin, especially because I realize this little twist is going to piss her off. And if there’s one thing I love, it’s a pissed-off Harper Grayson.

“Seriously? Why is she being so difficult? It’s not like this hasn’t been planned for weeks.” I glance her way and reach for the ticket, holding it up so she can see. Her face goes from shock to anger as she mouths, “You’re paying for that,” at me. “Yes, I’m here. Bring him by after work. We’ll go for pizza and then I’ll feed him ice cream and cookies until he passes out in a sugar coma.” Harper smiles at whatever response her brother gives. “Perfect. See you tomorrow.”

Then, she hangs up and points her phone at me as if it were a weapon. “Seriously, you’re paying that ticket.”

“Why am I paying for it?” I ask, reaching out for her keys.

“Because you’re the reason I left my car in the alley like this.”

“I didn’t tell you to illegally park. This isn’t my fault.”

“Totally your fault. Why are you grabbing my keys? I’m driving.”

“Not happening, Harper. There’s no way I’m stuffing myself in your tiny sparkly car. I’ll move it and we’ll take my truck,” I say, climbing into the driver’s seat, noticing the glitter fucking everywhere. “Besides, I’ve seen how you park.” Her eyes flare with anger as I shut the door and pull her car over to one of the many parking spots behind the hardware store.

“You’re cleaning that too, by the way,” she states as I swipe all the sparkles from my backside, trying not to grin as I meet her at my truck.

“What?” I ask, losing the battle to not laugh.

“You’re an asshole.” Her eyes flare as I meet her at the passenger door. “You’re vacuuming my car. First thing in the morning,” she sasses, grabbing the door handle and getting ready to jump in.

“What did Jensen want?” I ask, helping her into the double cab.

“Oh, his ex is being a twit again. They’ve been planning his buddy Parker’s bachelor party for weeks. Ashley was supposed to keep Max tomorrow night, even though it’s Jensen’s weekend. Now, she’s causing problems, saying she wants to take him out of town for the weekend if she keeps him tomorrow. Mom is working tomorrow night, and even though she’d keep him, it’s harder on her to run the bed and breakfast while it’s full and take care of Max. Rhenn and Marissa already have a night out planned, so that leaves me.”

“And Samuel.”

“No one wants their kid babysat by Samuel. He’d probably have them studying human anatomy or reading Shakespeare by the end of the night,” she says as I pull onto the main road.

“So, you’re watching Max.”

“Cool Aunt Harper’s got this. We’ll go have pizza and stay up way past his bedtime.” I can hear the excitement in her voice, and a piece of me yearns to experience that.

“What if awesome friend Latham comes too?” I ask, keeping my eyes on the road, but watching her body language in my peripheral.

She shrugs. “That would be all right too.”

Not what I was expecting. I was ready for a fight, but she seemed way too accommodating to my self-invite. “How about I pick you both up at six?”

“We could meet you there,” she suggests.

“Well, I will have your dog, so I could stop by and drop her off. Pick you and the little guy up and take you for pizza.” Seems logical.

Harper thinks about it for a few seconds before agreeing. “You can’t stay the night, though.”

“Can’t handle me two nights in a row, huh? That’s fine. You’ll need your rest.”

I can practically feel her rolling her eyes in the seat next to me. “Whatever. I don’t want to confuse him as to who you are and why you’re sleeping in Aunt Harper’s bed.”

Makes sense, but that still doesn’t stop the tinge of longing from bursting in my chest. There’s something about going to bed beside Harper and waking up next to her that has all sorts of weird hope and elation taking root in my chest. I never really saw myself as a family man, but the concept holds a bit of merit. Especially if the woman in the picture is Harper.

I don’t say anything else as I pull in her driveway. Before I can help her out, she’s already climbing from the truck cab and leading me toward the door. I can hear doggy nails on the hardwood floor before she even has the screen door open, and I’m surprised at how excited I am to see the ugly mutt.

As soon as she’s through the door, Harper crouches down and lets Snuggles rain puppy kisses all over her face. Then, as if flipping the switch, the dog sees me standing behind her. She instantly jumps up, her little legs slipping on the floor as she barrels toward me. Her tongue hangs out and in her excitement to get to me, I see a trail of wetness on the floor.

“Gross, Snuggles!” Harper bellows as she watches her dog pee a little from excitement.

“Huh, someone must have Saran Wrapped her toilet seat too.” Bending down, I let the dog lick and sniff me as I rub that magical spot behind her ears. “Let’s go outside,” I tell the pup, even though she probably doesn’t have to go much now.

“You’re cleaning that up,” Harper chastises, standing up and placing her hands firmly on her hips.

“I’m practically a pro at cleaning up pee off the floor anyway,” I holler, heading to the back door. “Go pack a bag. I’ll take care of getting Snuggles ready for our road trip.” By the time Harper returns with an overnight bag, I have the piss cleaned up and the dog food, bowls, and leash in a bag. “Ready?”

She glances around, sees the bag of dog supplies and her anxious puppy at my feet, and offers a smile. “Ready.”

With that, we’re off to our little sleepover.

Like a family.

Which makes my heart sing.

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