Page 1 of Pants On Fire

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10 years ago

They say that nothing can bring you down on the happiest day of your life, right? Well, that’s total crap. Truth be told, a cocky playboy with a charming smile and twinkling blue eyes can bring you down faster than a lead balloon any day of the week, especially on your happiest. All it takes is a few ill-fated words and everything comes crashing down. Those plans you spent countless hours making? Ruined. The money you’ve already shelled out for an overpriced studio apartment in a neighborhood you can’t afford? Gone. The stupid cocky playboy that you want to punch in the face for dropping a bomb in your well-planned, happy little life?

You see where this is going, right?

We need to talk.

My happiest day started with a text as I was getting ready for my college graduation. My entire family was in town, anxious to see the first Hill go to college and actually finish with a degree instead of a baby. Three generations of Hill women, all knocked up before their expected graduation day. My older sister barely made it through her first semester before she was with child. My mom? Pregnant with my sister her sophomore year. And my grandma was expecting sometime during her third year of school and didn’t finish.

But not me. I was determined not to fall into the same young mama rut that my sister, mom, and grandma all fell into. Sure, they’re all happy with their decisions for early motherhood, but I knew I didn’t want that. I wanted to get out of Carbondale. I wanted out of Illinois. Away from the brutal midwestern winters. The moment I was handed my diploma, Danny and I were loading up the car and heading for California.

At least that’s what I thought.

My fingers fly over the phone screen.

Me:What’s up?

Danny:I think we should break up.

I stare down at the screen, waiting for the LOL or the JK. But neither appear. Instead, the bouncing bubbles on the phone reveal his next piece of word vomit.

Danny:I just don’t see us going anywhere.

Me:Don’t see us going anywhere? We’re leaving tomorrow for California, Danny!

Danny:I’m still going, but alone. I need to find myself. I need to set out on my own path of self-discovery, Cricket.

I blink down at his words. Self-discovery? Are you freaking kidding me right now? The man can’t even cook mac and cheese from a box without needing adult supervision.I’mthe one who landed him the interview withGood Morning, San Francisco.I’mthe one who found and secured our tiny studio apartment, footing the entire first and last month’s rent, mind you.I’mthe one who bought and ironed the clothes he’s wearing right now, God knows where, while he tries to break up with me via text message.

Me:Danny, where are you?

I set the phone down on the counter, hair completely forgotten and eyes glued to the screen.

Danny:It doesn’t matter. I’m gone.

My heart skids to a stop in my chest.


Danny:I left this morning.

Me:For Cali? With my fucking car?

Danny:Our car, darling.

Me:Don’t you darling me, Daniel James Ohara. You know damn good and well that I paid every fucking payment on that fucking car. You bring it back right now!

Danny:Can’t. I’ll wire you the money when I start my new job.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? This is seriously my life?

Me:Danny, explain to me how I’m supposed to get to California to start MY new job if you’ve already left with the car?

Danny:You’re starting to cut out.
