Page 17 of Pants On Fire

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I think about her statement, about the job offers on the table, and can’t help but wonder…what if? That’s probably why I find myself asking, “So, are you considering the offer?”

Her eyes widen and bore into me from across the table. “You’re kidding me, right? I’d rather walk across a football field of broken glass, barefooted, than work with that asshole. Plus, LA? Yuck!”

I snort a laugh and take a healthy bite of my food. It’s a little easier to eat, knowing she still thinks Danny is a piece of work. And he is, especially after how he ended things with her at graduation. But I don’t know, I guess I expected time to heal old wounds, or whatever. Honestly, knowing she wants no part in working with him makes me a little giddy.

But that’s just stupid thinking, because it’s not like there’s anything there betweenus. I have no room for jealousy or any other weird emotion I may be feeling toward her or Danny. It’s time to let go of this sudden crush and move on.

When our snacks are finished, the waitress returns to clear our food baskets and deliver a third round of drinks. It’s been a while since I’ve had more than two beers, but it’s so easy, so natural to talk to her that I find myself drinking a little more than normal. Though, three beers isn’t exactly going to cause me any problems. I just want to keep an eye on Cricket. I want her to cut loose, if that’s what she chooses.

I glance to the side and notice the empty dart board. I stand up and make my pitch. “Crick, I’m not really ready for this night to end. How about you go secure us the dart board while I use the restroom. Then, I’ll come out here and pretend to let you kick my ass for a round or two before I really let you have it.”

Her eyes brighten with mischief. “Let me have it, huh? You talk a big game for someone who hasn’t experienced my abilities in a while. Maybe I’ve been practicing. We can play partners.”

I shrug. “I’m not sure you’re partner material.”

She stands up and walks the few steps it takes to reach me. She’s directly in front of me, the top of her head barely hitting my chin. She looks up with mischief and a bit of defiance in her emerald eyes. Cricket places a hand on my chest, and I wonder if she can feel my heart thundering. It’s beating so loud, I’m certain everyone in the bar can hear it over the talking and music. If she can tell, she doesn’t say anything. Instead she says, “I might be the best you’ve ever had.”

My mind instantly makes her statement dirty. I’ve never actually wondered what it would be like to have sex with Cricket before today, but that doesn’t stop my brain from conjuring up more dirty scenarios and playing them out on repeat. I swallow over the dryness in my throat and start toward the restroom. When her hand drops, I miss her touch immediately. It’s only when I’m a few feet away that I stop and say, “Time to put your money where your mouth is, Crick.”

Chapter Five


Time to put your money where your mouth is, Crick.

I watch as he walks away, a shiver sweeping through my body at the deep, huskiness of his words. Sure, he didn’t mean them sexually, but that doesn’t stop my brain from going there. In fact, my mind is having a swell time picturing all the things Rueben would do to my willing body, if he had the chance.

Wait, no. I’m sure if he had the chance, Rueben would still keep us comfortably tucked in the friend-zone. Why wouldn’t he? We’ve been safely locked there for more than a decade. But then I think about the subtle touches and lingering glances. He wasn’t immune to them either, and I saw the desire swirl in his dark brown eyes when I touched his chest. Maybe he’s thinking about me as more than a friend too. Or maybe he’s just flirty and has no interest in me that way.

I groan aloud and put a dollar bill in the dart machine. This is stupid. It’s been way too long since my last boyfriend, and that’s the only reason I’m confusing friendship with sexual desire. I mean, it has been…a year and a half.

Holy shit!

I haven’t had sex in a year and a half?

That’s exactly what’s wrong with me. It’s the only logical solution for sending mixed signals and seeing things that aren’t there. Lack of sex is clouding my brain and my judgment. I need to step back, keep my friendship with Rueben intact, and get through this weekend. Then, run straight home and find someone for a few rounds of bedroom Olympics.

I bet Rueben is fantastic in bed with those big strong hands and long, muscular legs…

I stop in my tracks.

You know what they say about big hands…

And big feet…

“Shut up,” I tell my brain.

Just as I spin around to find the throw line, I run smack into a hard chest. The scent around me is familiar, but not welcome. It’s definitely not Rueben’s subtle, woodsy scent, but one I had long forgotten about. One that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my stomach drop to my shoes.

“Shut up? But I haven’t even said anything yet,” Danny responds, the familiar smirk spreading across his too-handsome face. God, I want to punch him.

“And yet, here you are,” I retort with a bite, stepping out of the arms that seemed to wrap around me as we collided.

Danny does a scan from head to toe, lingering a little too long on my chest. I cross my arms and narrow my eyes, feeling nothing like I felt when Rueben did it earlier tonight. Instead, I want to stab his eyes out with a rusty butter knife and then throw darts at them.

“Good to see you, Cricket,” he finally says when his eyes return to my face.

“I wish I could say the same to you,” I mumble, stepping around him and finding the worn throw line on the marred hardwood floor.
