Page 21 of Pants On Fire

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When the show ends and another one on the September 11thattacks begins, he gets up from his chair and goes to the mini-fridge. He pulls out two bottles of water and a package of peanut M&Ms. “Seriously? Gimme, gimme,” I beg, reaching my hand out and taking the candy.

Rueben laughs as he hands over the cold chocolate and tosses a bottle of water onto the bed beside me. “I wasn’t sure if you were still a fan,” he says before taking his own drink of cold liquid.

“Not sure I’m still a fan? These are the greatest candies in the history of the world, my friend,” I tell him, ripping open the bag and popping one into my mouth. “They’re delicious,” I say, slowly chewing and savoring the sweet and salty mix.

“I brought a few snacks for the plane ride but didn’t eat them.”

After popping a second piece into my mouth, I ask, “So you were saving them for the return flight home? And I’m eating them?” I don’t even care that I’m talking with my mouth full.

He shrugs. “Eat anything you want. I can grab more at the airport. There’s some Twizzlers in my bag somewhere too,” he says, rooting around in his computer bag and coming back with a large zippered bag of licorice candy.

Rueben pulls a stick from the bag and throws it at me. “I should travel with you. You have the best snacks,” I tell him casually, but notice that my heart kicks up a few extra beats at the prospect of traveling alongside him.

“So now the truth comes out! You’re using me for my snacks,” he teases, shoving half a Twizzlers in his mouth and smiling as he chews.

I reach for the one he threw at me. “You caught me. I’m only here for your snacks.”

And because you’re an amazing kisser and I wouldn’t mind doing that again.

Shaking that thought off, I focus my attention back on the TV screen. Between the M&Ms and the licorice that is thrown my way, I find myself completely relaxed and enjoying the evening. My eyes start to get heavy as the show continues, breaking down the events that transpired on that September morning in 2001. Every once in a while, I hear Rueben adjust in his chair. I should probably offer to trade place so he can stretch out on his own bed. Of course, the bed is a king, so there’s definitely enough room for us both.

I also realize the coast is probably clear in the hallway. It’s been more than an hour since I joined Rueben in his hotel room, and if Danny’s still awake, I’m sure he’s not looking at the peephole, waiting for someone to walk by his room. I should definitely head to my room, take off my makeup, and snuggle up in bed in a nightshirt and all four pillows.

It’s so nice and cozy here, though, too.

Maybe I’ll head over in just a few more minutes…

Chapter Six


I know the instant she falls asleep.

It’s like I’m hyperaware of her and can sense the change in her breathing pattern. She’s more relaxed now, almost angelic as her long brown hair hangs loosely in big waves around my pillow. Her mouth falls open just the slightest and every once in a while, a little snore slips past her lips. She’s simply the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

I sit in the chair for another hour, pretending to watch the program on TV, but really, I’m just watching her. The way she mumbles in her sleep and moves her mouth—a mouth that I’ve now tasted and can’t stop thinking about. Cricket curls up on her side, facing me, and hugs the pillow. I’m sure it’s clear for her to head back to her own hotel room, but honestly, I don’t want her to go. Not only is she completely comfortable right where she is, but I like having her here. Iwanther here.

The whole scene tonight at Slim’s was crazy. I knew the moment I walked out of the restroom and saw Danny talking to her that something was up. As I weaved my way through the growing crowd, a former classmate stopped me. We were in a computer class together and he wanted to know what I’d been up to these last ten years. I didn’t want to be rude, so I stayed a chatted for a little bit, all while keeping an eye on Cricket and Danny.

I knew the moment he said something to upset her. Her body tensed and her spine straightened. He was smiling that cocky smirk and she took a step back, his hand reaching out to touch her arm. I was hollering a goodbye and a talk to you soon a split second later, making my way back to where I left my friend. Though I don’t know the exact conversation, the first thing I heard when I was within earshot was her insistence that shedidhave a date. The next thing I knew, I was him and she was practically launching herself into my arms.

And kissing me.

Best. Fucking. Kiss. Ever.

My heart still pounds in my chest and my cock starts to harden when I think about it. And believe me, I’ve done a lot of thinking about it. I’ve been in a perpetual state of arousal since that moment, which is probably why it was so easy to go along with her little white lie. We’re not in a relationship, but I’m willing to pretend we are just to get closer to her. Is it right? Probably not, but I can’t seem to stop thinking about her in more than a friendly fashion, even if what she’s asking of me isbecauseof our friendship.

My own eyelids start to droop, and I’m torn. It’s way past my usual bedtime, let alone throwing air travel in the mix. Cricket’s day has been a mirror image of my own and she needs rest. Yet, all I want to do is stay up and watch her sleep like some crazy stalker.

I should wake her up, send her back to her room. I should crawl into bed and get my own rest.

Yet, I don’t.

I sit here for a few more minutes and just take in her beauty.

Eventually, I move, pulling off my socks—because I hate sleeping in socks—and crawl onto my bed. It’s a king-sized mattress; should be plenty of room for two friends to rest and maintain their distance. I’ve made a decision, one I’m not sure whether it’s right or wrong. She’s tired and I don’t want to disturb her. So, I’ll let her sleep.

Sticking to the edge of the bed, I roll to my side and continue to watch her. Cricket would probably be freaked out if she knew how much of a voyeur I’ve been, but that’s a small price to pay. I don’t want to miss a single moment, not one mumble or snore or eye flutter. After this weekend’s over, I’ll have those memories locked deep inside my brain to carry with me for the rest of my life. Memories of just her and the time I’ll always wish “could have been more.”
