Page 51 of Pants On Fire

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Mom nods. “You might be able to fit on the couch, but Rueben’s poor legs will hang over the end. It’ll be more comfortable in the bunk, wouldn’t it?” she asks Rueben.

“I’ll be just fine, Mrs. Hill. Thank you for allowing me to stay with you tonight,” he says politely, his brown eyes dancing with humor.

“Wait,” I say, holding up my hands. “So my nieces, your granddaughters, decide they want bunk beds, so you just go buy them? Do you not recall me asking for them when we were little and you saying no because I could fall off and break my neck?” I ask, completely flabbergasted that my parents would say yes to the girls when they always said no to me and Ash.

“Well, yes, but they’re much safer now,” Mom insists.

“Safer how? They still have a ladder and a railing, right?”

“Oh, Cricket, don’t be dramatic,” Mom says, rolling her eyes. “We’re meeting Shawn, Ashley, and the girls for dinner tonight at TGI Friday’s in a half hour,” Mom adds, essentially ending the bunk bed conversation.

“Fine,” I grumble, crossing my arms in a slight pout. “I’m going to run up and change.”

“Okay, be ready to leave in twenty,” Dad says, following Mom to the kitchen.

When I enter my old bedroom, I find it decked out in pink princess everything. The bedding, the wall décor, and the curtains give the impression the room is fit for royalty, which I guess it is. Standing along one wall is a beautiful set of solid maple bunk beds with white twinkle lights hanging from the wall.

“Seriously?” I ask, noting how much time and effort went into changing this room from the tie-dyed mess I used to have to what it is now.

Rueben shuts the door behind him. “I’m actually kinda excited to sleep here,” he says, picking up a small pink pillow shaped like a crown on the bottom bunk and tossing it aside.

“Really? Pink your thing?” I tease, stepping into his embrace and inhaling his familiar scent.

“Ehhh, not so much the pink as the roommate. Last time I was in a bunk bed was at horse camp. My parents sent me for one week when I was twelve. The kid I was bunking with had a small problem with wetting the bed. He, of course, was awarded the top bunk, even though I begged to switch.”

“So, even you got to experience the awesomeness of bunk beds at one point in your life,” I whine.

“Did you catch the part where he pissed the bed?”

I chuckle. “Yeah, I heard that. You don’t have to worry about me peeing the bed tonight,” I assure him, looking up and meeting his eyes.

“I had hoped. Plus, you’re way hotter than Casper Short was,” he tells me, his lips lingering just over mine for a few seconds.

“If you play your cards right, I might even forget to wear panties when I climb up that ladder,” I tease him, my breath fanning across his lips and making my heart pump in my chest with anticipation.

“Definitely a bonus there. I might actually get to enjoy my hard-on instead of trying to hide it,” he says, the softest graze of his lips across mine.

“Mmm, bedwetting and boys named Casper gave you woodies back in the day?”

“Baby, air gave me a woody back in the day. I was twelve. I was a walking hard-on,” he tells me, making me smile against his lips.

“Speaking of,” I whisper, reaching down and palming his thick erection through his jeans.


“I can definitely help with this guy,” I tell him before I press my lips fully to his. He deepens the kiss immediately, sliding his tongue along mine and reaching down and grabbing my ass. He pulls me against him, my hand pinned between his body and mine, his cock pulsing with need.

“Shit,” he grumbles, ripping his lips from mine and taking a step back. “We can’t do this now. We have to leave in a few minutes, and I’d rather not sport a hard-on when I see your family again for the first time in a decade.”

Stepping forward, I press one hand to his chest and the other goes right back to his hard length. “Then, we should take care of this before we go,” I whisper just before I drop to my knees.

“Crick,” he groans, his voice raw and full of desire. “We don’t have time.”

Reaching for his button, I flip it open and tug on the zipper. “We most certainly do have time, Rueben. Just watch,” I tell him, pulling his pants down and freeing his impressive cock.

I waste no time at getting to work. Licking my lips, I hollow out my cheeks and smoothly take him into my mouth. He makes a choking sound that’s a cross between a moan and a gasp, his hands fisting my hair at the nape of my neck. “Jesus, Crick,” he whispers, trying to keep his voice down as his hips thrust forward.

“Mmmm,” I groan, letting the vibration of my word course through his shaft.
