Page 66 of Pants On Fire

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“Hot guys? Ummm, there’s only one guy in the office.”

“And he’s hot!” she replies, earning double nods from Rachelle and Kristie.

“Whatever,” I chuckle, sipping my peach mango margarita.

When our entrees are delivered, I switch from the chips and salsa to my taco salad and listen to the girls talk about their week. Rachelle works at a hotel and always has some juicy gossip to share, while Kristie is a bookkeeper for a law firm. She’s pretty straight laced during the week, so when she goes out and cuts loose, it’s usually pretty entertaining.

“So? Tell me about the guy,” she says between bites of her chicken fajita.

“Who says there’s a guy?” I ask, thankful for the low lighting in our favorite Mexican joint so they can’t see the blush on my face.

All three of them roll their eyes. “There’s always a guy,” Rachelle chimes in. “No one just ups and moves halfway across the country for anything but a guy.”

“Not true. I moved out to San Francisco without a guy,” I argue.

“Semantics. You had a guy until he left without you and broke your heart. You may not have come out here with a guy, but he was definitely the reason you were here.”

“Yeah, it was like one final fuck-you to that jerk with an average sized penis,” Penny adds.

I snort, because I know they’re right. It was my way of sayingscrew you, Danny. I could do it on my own without you.“Fine, you got me there. But that doesn’t mean I’m leaving now because of one. I have my new job,” I counter.

Kristie gasps. “Watch out, ladies. Her pants are on fire!”

Rolling my eyes, I reply, “Oh, stop, they are not.”

“You’re a total liar. It’s written all over your face.” Rachelle leans in and smiles. “What’s his name.”

Clearing the taco shell from my throat, I take a quick drink of alcohol. They all stare at me eagerly, waiting for me to drop them the smallest of crumbs. “Rueben.”

“I knew it!” Kristie bellows.

“Totally called it,” Rachelle adds.

“Tell us about him,” Penny says.

In unison, they all lean forward, their eyes wide as I tell them all about my reunion and how Rueben and I crossed paths. I leave out the good stuff—you know, glossing over anything that has to do with naked bedroom aerobics—and focus on our short time together. By the time I’m done with my story, they all have those googly heart-shaped eyes and are practically picking out bridesmaid dresses.

“That’s so sweet!” Kristie exclaims, clapping her hands a little too dramatically.

“Does he know you’re coming?” Penny asks, finishing up her dinner.

I shake my head. “No, he doesn’t. We talked this morning, but I left out pretty much anything of any importance.”

“Where are you staying when you get there?” Rachelle asks.

“Well, honestly, I’m kinda hoping with him, at least for a few days until I can get a place of my own. If it doesn’t go well, then I guess I’ll stay at a hotel for a few nights.”

Penny gives me an odd look across the booth. “Why would it not go well?”

I shrug. “I don’t know, lots of reasons, maybe? First off, I don’t know how he really feels about me. We’ve never really discussed it other than a vague declaration at the airport. Plus, even though we’ve known each other for like twelve years, we only reconnected two weeks ago. A lot can happen or change in that short amount of time.”

Kristie’s already nodding her head. “He’d be stupid not to want to be with you.”

“True!” Rachelle adds, raising her glass once more. “To men not being stupid!” she hollers, drawing the attention of a few surrounding tables and booths.

“And to them being better than average on the penis length scale!” Kristie throws out there. I’m pretty sure I hear a mom nearby gasp as she holds her hands over her young son’s ears.

“Todd has a below than average penis,” Penny says, her eyes dropping to the table in sadness.
