Page 49 of Until Her

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That they would stoop so low. Tears that are flowing are of my anger that is coursing through me. Anger that I can’t tell them to go fuck themselves and leave because they would make my life and her life hell. They will hurt her and make her suffer and Aura doesn’t deserve that. She deserves love and stability. I underestimated my parents and I have never felt more ashamed to have been born into a family the way I do know. A cold heartless family that only cares about themselves. Superficial.

I sniff. “I’m going to make them pay for what they’ve done. I need you to help me because I don’t know how to go on from here.” I pause and blink back more tears that are threatening to fall. “You knew her parents?”

She nods. “Yes, I was very close to them.”

“Good. I need you to tell me everything about them and about Aura. I want to know everything they shared, how they loved. Everything. I need you to remind me, Camila, because I’m not going to be the same after this. They want the ruthless CEO. Then that’s what they will get.”

Chapter twenty-three


Two Months Later

“Are you ready?” Lane says.

“Yeah,” I answer.

I’m excited to be on the track with Lane. He has made more modifications to what he considers his supercar. I’m seated between his legs in the driver’s seat. Lane has always made me feel free, and he loves the adrenaline rush. He wasn’t kidding when he said his passion was building engines and making cars faster.

He sets the launch control on the car, and my stomach has butterflies swarming like bees in anticipation. I have seen him drive it from the sidelines and this car is lightning fast.

Manufacturers across the world are wondering what his secret is, but he keeps it under lock and key in a special journal. The morning of my birthday, Lane took me to eat, and we celebrated with Exie. It was the first time I celebrated my birthday without my parents, and it was emotional but Lane and Exie were there to get me through it.

Lane has been great, and I was even allowed to finish high school a couple of months early by taking online classes. I never returned to Spencer. Lane decided he wanted to move to Charlotte, North Carolina, and open another shop.

He let Dex and Blaze manage the one in Pennsylvania and I was secretly relieved he wanted to move. Since that night, Lane has never left my side and I have never left his unless he is building another car, another one of his projects. He always includes me when he is revealing it for the first time. He wants me to see it first before he shows it to anyone.

When he is busy, I’m making my next creation for my next customer and keeps my mind busy. I have gotten many orders for bracelets in the past month, thanks to Lane. He shows everyone my pieces and how special they are because they are handmade and there are never two that are the same.

He places his hands on my waist and I settle deeper between his legs.

He clears his throat. “Aura, baby. If you keep squirming like that, I’m afraid we are going to crash into that wall over there.”

“Huh.” My head turns to catch his gaze.

Then something hard pokes me on my butt, and I take a deep swallow. “Oh.”

I bite my lip, not knowing what I should do, and take a shaky breath. Lane has never touched me inappropriately or pressured me to have sex. He has been a gentleman and I have never felt more comfortable in being with a man besides Kalum.

Exie told me Kalum would leave for college once he graduated and that he was not going to play college football. Her parents heard that his parents wanted him to take over the St. Claire dynasty as CEO.

He has never been seen at parties or with another girl since I left. There were many times I wanted to reach out but thought it best to let him go. If I thought for a second, I could have anything with Kalum, it was pointless because we were already doomed from the start.

Lane’s erection is like a steel rod under my leggings and for some reason, I want to feel it his length.

I squirm once more, and he buries his face in my hair. “Aura, I need to get the lap time, baby.” His voice is husky as he speaks into my hair.

“Okay, I’m sorry,” I say, feeling a bit disappointed.

He really must see me as just a friend. He told me he dated on and off, but his shop and his time were always priority. Inside his shop on his next build and he didn’t have much time for anything else. I understand his passion and his love for what he does, but he is like an introvert.

He doesn’t need to hang out with a bunch of friends or goes to parties. That is not who he is and what makes him happy. This is what makes him happy. Right now, in this moment. He places his hand on the steering wheel and presses the button and slams his foot on the gas.

The car lurches forward, pinning me against him. My heart is beating wildly inside my chest as the adrenaline takes over and it feels just like the ride at the fair, he took me on. The markers on the lane blur past like tunnel vision and Lane expertly switches gears and the roaring of the engine can be heard with a sound like a valve releasing.

He presses the brake on the turn and the car whips by, and the clock stops clocking the car at zero to sixty in 1.9 seconds.

Lane shouts, “Hell, yes!”
