Page 15 of Blood Arrow

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“I’m saying that your cousin and you are in incredible danger. If they find out that he survived and that you witnessed it, they’ll have no choice but to kill you both. They aren’t here for peace. They’re here to watch Thimmaria fall from the inside, and to make sure that it happens.”

As the sunset colors filtered through my window, I paced my room, mulling over all that had happened in the past. Could it really have been only a week?

After departing from Little John’s presence—what an absurd name for such a massive man—I swung by to check on Will, but was shooed away by Epione, who said he was resting. So, I went to my room to pace. The meadow no longer seemed a safe place like it used to be, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable being that far away from Will.

Brex walked in silently, bless her, handing me a hot chocolate from the kitchen. A luxury that I’d fallen in love with here at the castle.

“You shouldn’t have,” I protested, even as I reached for the warmed goodness.

A few chuckles escaped her at my childish delight. “I could hear you pacing from the kitchen,” she teased.

I groaned, half in response to Brex’s words, and half due the chocolate coating my tongue. It was the nectar of the gods! “Have you heard anything new about our guests?”

The smile slid off Brexley’s face, and I wanted to take back my words. “Nothing. They keep to themselves now. First, they were everywhere, now you can’t find them.” She threw her hands up in frustration and annoyance.

“Thank you, Brex. Seriously. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I reached out and squeezed one of her hands.

“How is Will?” Brex returned my squeeze.

It was my turn to stop smiling. “The healer said that he will make a full recovery, and is resting right now, but…” My words trailed off, my eyes filling with tears that I quickly blinked away. The time for tears was past, now I needed to decide what to do next.

“What did the King say about the situation?”

The breath stopped dead in my chest, and my mouth hung open. “I-I don’t know.”

“Well, it might be a good idea to find out,” Brex commented, and I rolled my eyes at my stupidity.

“I would have thought of it eventually,” I grumbled, hearing her snicker at me, agreeing with a single nod.

“It’s been a trying couple of days,” she excused, rubbing my arm.

With another sip of my hot chocolate, I nodded glumly. Brex may be close to my age and my maid, but I thought of her as a mother figure, especially since I lost my own mother. Anytime I was troubled, talking it over with Brex made it easier to bear, and she often had good advice. The rare times she did not, she didn’t pretend, which made me love her more. After taking the final sip of my drink, I explained everything I learned from Little John, and what he told me I should do.

“Well, it seems you have a choice to make.”

“And what choice is that?”

“To trust him and do as he says, or to not, and stay.” That made it sound simpler than it felt. “But either way, I would try to stay away from the Bruralians. There is too much uncertainty to risk your cousin’s life.”

That sounded like solid advice.

After supper, I sought the Royal Secretary to see if the King was available for a meeting. I finally found the harried man as he was walking from the counsel room, carrying a sheaf of papers. “Secretary Lorel, might I have a word?”

Balancing his papers with one hand, he adjusted his spectacles with the other. Part of me suspected he didn’t actually need them, but instead, wore them to look more distinguished so that others would respect him.

“Ah! Lady Arrow, I was about to send someone to tell your maid. The King would like to meet with you, and a few others, tomorrow morning after breakfast. Your maid will have the details. Please do not be late.”

Well, that was easier than I expected. “I actually have a matter I would like to discuss with the King, if I may.”

His eyebrows rose at my forward request, and as the spectacles slid down his nose again, he merely looked over them, further cementing my belief that they were there for show. His scrutiny made me squirm, until he gave a slight nod, which almost sent the spectacles flying off his nose. “Be there twenty minutes earlier.”

“Thank you!” I threw the words over my shoulder, escaping before the spectacles fell to the floor and I was somehow blamed.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get far in my escape before I ran into a wall. Startled, I stepped back, rubbing my sore nose, and came face to face with Captain Rekker. So much for not drawing attention.

“Captain Rekker! I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you were there.” I hadn’t. I’d lived in this castle for nearly five years and knew it better than I knew my home in Loxley.

His stare fixed on me a moment; his unique eyes boring down into mine.Why were people staring at me today?I swallowed nervously then ran my hands down my skirts, smoothing them of wrinkles while doing my best to slow my pounding heart.
