Page 20 of Blood Arrow

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My hand waved it off, as if pushing my irritation away physically. Like Will, I was growing increasingly irritable with each day that counted down to our departure. “Nothing. I’m just not being as observant as I should be.”

His gaze searched mine for a moment. “Observation can mean the difference between life and death,” he agreed.

John meant well, I knew it, but I still bristled at his words. “I know that!”

Not taking offense, he merely nodded, which just made me even more ashamed of my outburst. “Then you are already better than this lot,” he teased, his thumb pointing towards the other tavern patrons. Such glowing praise, yet I couldn’t help but grin.

A loud thud resounded on the table when the maid dropped a massive tankard of ale in front of Little John, and he thanked her boisterously, suddenly seeming more drunk than when he arrived.

“Ho! Keep them coming!” He called after her while she walked away with an extra sway in her step, and I snorted. Momentarily, I wondered if he merely played at being a drunkard, then remembered how I found him and discarded the notion.

“Keep your voice down so they don’t recognize me,” I quietly reminded him, and he obligingly quieted his voice a smidge. My head ducked into my hood at the bored glances that were sent our way.

“What news do you bring me?” he asked, slurping his ale.

“King Graeme says we will leave in two days.” Pulling a rolled paper out of my coat pocket, I spread out the king’s orders on the table for him to read. “I don’t think he expects anything yet, but I’m still nervous. And Br—I mean, my sources, still don't have anything new to report from the Bruralians.”

He nodded, his eyes going back and forth as he read the letter. “That is to be expected. Is everything else in order?”

Once again, I ran through the plans in my mind, hoping they would be enough. “So far, yes.”

“Then, I have some good news for you.”

Good news was always welcome. I definitely needed some good news. I had been on pins and needles for too long. Motioning for him to continue, I watched him pull out his own letter from beneath his shirt. I tried not to stare when I caught sight of the end of a large scar over his chest.

“I have also written to the king, and here is his reply,” he announced, laying his parchment on top of mine on the table.

Puzzled, I reached for the paper. “You will be joining us on the way to Brural.” It was hard to keep the squeal from my voice. This was most excellent news!

“To the border, yes. The King agreed to extra protection. I may have extolled the dangers of travel a little.” He smirked.

“But you aren’t supposed to know about the peace talks. How did you get around that?”

His big shoulders rose and dropped with a shrug. “I wrote to inform him that if he, or any of his people, were planning on leaving the castle gates, they should be wary of the heightened dangers. He assigned me to aid the upcoming delegation.” The table vibrated when he slammed down his now empty tankard, and I swore he chipped the wood.

My eyebrows rose in surprise. “That was risky,” I mumbled. Still, I was impressed.

“You’re the one attempting a much bigger gamble. I’m simply trying to do my part.”

A smile of appreciation curved my lips. “Thank you, Little John. You’ve been a good friend to me.”

His smirk reappeared, I decided it was time to return. The notion was cemented when two more tankards of ale were delivered, and I motioned to Little John so he could have mine. He waved his thanks, already deep into his second cup.

Definitely not playing at being drunk, I mused.

Once I returned to my room, I was greeted by chaos. Clothes lay haphazardly on every surface, and Brex was running around, arms full, stuffing my traveling bag with dresses and various items.

“Brex, what’s going on?”

“Arrow, I have been looking everywhere for you!” She pounced on me the moment I entered, even more items falling to the ground.


“You must leave. Tonight. As soon as possible!” The words rushed out of her mouth, she seemed close to hysterics, and it was starting to frighten me. I had never seen Brexley this upset.

“Brex, tell me what’s going on!” I shouted, grabbing her by the shoulders.

Shrugging me off, she picked up the dresses she had dropped, continuing on as if I hadn’t said anything. “You can escape once it’s night, and I’ll stay behind to cover for you—"
