Page 22 of Blood Arrow

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Silently, I slunk through the halls, peeking around corners before I turned, feeling like a trespasser in my own home. It was an unsettling realization. When I neared the apothecary where I would find Epione, the hairs on the nap of my neck and down my back stood upright, and I got the overwhelming feeling that I was being watched.

I paused, taking extra care, and searched the darkened halls. Most of the lanterns in the hallways were put out in preparation for the evening, with only one or two per passage left lit for servants with late night errands. In the near dark, I couldn’t see anybody, so after another cautious moment, I continued.

Epione opened the door shortly after I knocked, and I scurried inside her infirmary. “I didn’t know if you would still be awake.”

Her soft laughter greeted me. “These old bones don’t sleep as much as they used to. What can I help you with?”

“Are you able to get a message to your grandson quickly?” I blurted, there was no time to engage in niceties.

Her wise eyes regarded me for a second. “That depends on your definition of ‘quickly’.”

I swallowed my groan. “Would you be able to get him a message by midnight? It’s urgent.”

She stood there for a moment longer, staring at me, and I started to get an uneasy feeling. My every muscle tried not to squirm while I waited for her answer.

“Wait here.” Turning on her heel, Epione walked deeper into the room.

Frustrated, I felt like throwing my hands in the air. This was supposed to be a quick errand, and yet, everything seemed to be taking far longer than necessary. I had left Brex to keep an eye on Will while I was away, but what would stop the Bruralians from moving up the timeline? My eyes followed Epione until she disappeared behind a door at the back of the room, and I waited impatiently for her return.

As I waited, I looked around the apothecary, trying to distract myself. Everything was relatively the same as the last time I was there. My gaze landed on the bed that Will had lain on only a couple weeks ago, and my throat felt thick at the memory. The snick of a door drew me from the morose thoughts, and I turned at the sound.

“Oi, fancy seeing you here!”

My jaw dropped at the sight of Little John, his size dwarfing the smaller Epione. Shocked, my gaze bounced between the two before I found my voice. “What are you doing here?” I croaked.

Little John cracked a wide smile at my question, but it was Epione who answered me. “You said it was urgent. Besides, my grandson often visits the castle to see me. There are enough beds to accommodate, after all,” she added, motioning to the extra beds in the room.

“And she makes the best hangover cure in the city.” Little John remarked with a wink.

Well, at least this new development made my plan easier to accomplish.

Filled with determination knowing that watchful eyes and ears were everywhere, I whispered softly to Little John. “My sources have discovered new information that has caused us to reevaluate our plans. My cousin and I will be leaving the castle within hours. Once I get him somewhere safe, I’ll return, hopefully in time to leave with the delegation.”

Little John’s demeanor went from affable to soldier in a split second. The reason he had been made a spy was instantly evident. He could blend in and look like he belonged despite his size.

“I see. I offered you my services once, Lady Loxley, and I do not intend to retract that offer now. He will need a secure place to stay while avoiding the King. I can lead you to such a place and provide additional protection.”

Gratitude filled my chest and my heart swelled. In all honesty, I hadn’t expected him to make an offer like that. My plan had been to leave with Will and figure out where to go next once there, but this was perfect. “Thank you, sir. I would be honored to accept. However, we were planning to leave within the next hour or so, is that acceptable to you?”

“I will be ready and waiting at the castle gate.”

A thankful smile captured my lips. “Then I will see you there.” I turned to Epione, who’d been silently watching the exchange. I seemed to owe the lady a debt of gratitude as well. Not only for caring and nursing Will back to health, but also for leading me to Little John. I couldn’t imagine where I would be without her help. “Epione, I...”

“Hush, child. I did nothing but what little I could. Stay safe on your journey and give that fool you’re about to meet a kiss for me,” Epione cut me off, eyes dancing with mischief.

Silently, I wondered who she was talking about. However, I didn’t get much time to ponder before she started shooing me out the door. “Now, hurry along and get ready for your journey. I’m sure you still have plenty of stuff to do.”

I most certainly did. I still had to inform Will.

With that bleak thought, I scurried out of the apothecary and through the halls to my room. I hoped my cousin wouldn't mind me not including him in my plans this evening, there just hadn’t been time. His attack was still fresh in my mind, and I was loath to upset or worry him. I had never treated Will like a child, but I felt protective of him, especially when I had almost lost him. Maybe Brex had told him.

“Lady Arrow, we meet again.”

Oh Nidar! Not him again. Not now!

My heart thumped in my chest when Captain Rekker emerged from the shadows, an eerie gleam to his eyes. We were at an intersection, the way behind and in front of me was empty and barely lit. He stood framed by darkness, looking like a beast from a fiery pit coming to collect wayward sinners.

“Ah, Captain,” I remarked, glancing behind him. “Wandering the empty halls at night again, I see.”
