Page 24 of Blood Arrow

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Rekker’s smile became triumphant once more, like he knew something I didn’t. I wasn’t sure what it was, but if he was thinking I wasn’t a threat with a tender knee, he was mistaken… again. My father knew the minds of men. He prepared me to defend myself and those around me.

The Bruralian walked toward me, and I sank into a ready stance. He hadn’t drawn a weapon, still thinking to defeat me with only his hands and brawn. The action also told me that he wanted to capture me. Whatever he intended or needed me for, I had to be alive and breathing.

He had no qualms with hurting me, however. I blocked his first blow, but only managed to back up enough that his next hit grazed my jaw. My feet stumbled backward, putting distance between us so I could recover. Rekker didn’t allow that. He kept coming, using his fist as often as I used my dagger.

By the time we drew apart, I was happy to see that he was bleeding from several slashes I’d been able to deliver. A deep one ran along his forearm that seeped blood but not as much as a wound like that should.

I swiped at my mouth, feeling the sting from my split lip. When I blinked, I could feel my left eye swelling, and knew that it would swell shut fast. Earlier, I had called Rekker’s bluff, but now I realized that he was stalling. It was up to me to end this. Who knew what had happened while I had been engaged? It was too late to run, and my pride wouldn’t allow it.

Rekker smiled at me, blood coating his teeth from the elbow I’d delivered to his mouth. Unfortunately, it hadn’t knocked out any teeth.

“Ready to surrender, lady warrior?” He asked.

My lips itched to return the smile, but I didn’t. I’d sparred with my father who was just as big as him, seasoned, and trained. He taught me how to take down men twice my size.

“You’re a woman, Arrow. You’ll always be underestimated. Men are used to fighting each other and trained to face even the biggest without showing fear. Let them get close. Let them think they’ve won. Then aim for the heart.”

The next time Rekker charged, I blocked, but it was half-hearted, so he got through it easily. I let him wrap his hand around my throat and thrust me against the wall, my head banging on the stone hard enough that I saw stars. Using his bulk, he leaned in close and knocked my dagger from my hand. It clattered across the stone floor and my palm itched for it. I fought every instinct screaming at me, but instead, I let my head lull. I was tired, exhausted really, yet that was all part of the plan.

Rekker loosened his grip on my bruised neck, then pinched my cheeks and pushed my head back so I could look him in the eyes.

“You fought well, lady warrior,” he whispered, leaning in close so he could run his nose along my throat. “I’ve never met a girl with your finesse or skill. Pity we’re on opposite sides.”

While he was talking and touching, my hands were free to roam. I located his sword, but it was much too big for me to swing in such a narrow area. He continued to sniff me, and I discreetly searched for a smaller weapon. I found a small knife, probably used for hunting, and pulled it out.

In a semblance of defeat, I sank, positioning my foot against the wall behind me. I’d need all the leverage I could get. When Rekker leaned over at my sudden bonelessness, I positioned the blade and pushed up with all the strength I could muster in my arms and legs.

The blade plunged through the skin, and I felt it scrape against the bones of his ribs before it stopped, and it could go no further. If I hadn’t reached his heart, it was at the very least a killing blow.

Suddenly, something shattered above me, and sharp bits rained down on my head. Fighting for air, Rekker toppled backward, falling onto the bodies of the men I had dispatched earlier.

Utterly exhausted, my body sagged against the wall, but strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me. I fought the hold until I got a good look and realized that Little John was quite literally holding me up, his face pinched with fury.

Breathing with relief, I patted his hand reassuringly, fighting the tears that coated my throat. It burned, helping to clear my head. With a single head nod, Little John understood. He tightened his hold on me, and carefully but quickly, helped me back to my room.

“Lady Arrow!” Brexley screeched as she froze, eyes bouncing between me and the mountain carrying me. I cringed, realizing belatedly how it must look, especially after our worry over Will’s beating.

“I’m okay, Brex, just twisted my knee. I had a run in with Captain Rekker that was… less than polite.” I explained. “This is Little John; he’s going to be taking Will and me to a safe place. Little John, this is Brexley, my lady-in-waiting, and friend.” I patted Little John’s chest as I introduced him.

“M-my lord,” Brex stuttered, lowering into a courtesy as Will sauntered in from the sitting room.

“Just Little John, I’m not a lord, Brexley,” he assured her, gently setting me back on my feet and eyeing Will from the side.

Brex rushed over to evaluate my injuries. A gasp escaped her over my split lip and swollen eye, while other aches and bruises made themselves known now that my adrenaline was fading.

“Arrow, we need to leave within the hour, if not sooner. It’s too dangerous to wait any longer.”

Sighing heavily, I nodded. “I was thinking that too. And I should probably clean up the passageway...” I began, shooting a guilty glance at Brex as she raised her eyebrow. Will just grinned a twinkle in his eyes.

“I’ll do that,” Little John interjected quickly. “You just take care of yourself and your cousin, and I will meet you at the gate. Don’t be late,” he warned, walking out the door and closed it softly behind him.

My shoulders slumped in relief for a moment, then I jumped into action. I was fully capable of cleaning up after myself in a fight, but Little John was right. It was wise to divide and conquer, and thanks to Captain Rekker’s rude interruption, our timeline had moved closer.

“Brex, maybe we should add some extra salves and bandages to our packs before we leave? “

Her snort echoed around me. “And here I was hoping you would have a peaceful journey. You haven’t even left yet, and you’re already injured!”

We shared a wry smile before bustling off to make sure we weren’t forgetting anything for the road.

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