Page 26 of Blood Arrow

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Little John, however, slammed down his mug and looked up at the newcomer. “My manners are just fine. Your ale, on the other hand, leaves something to be desired, Tuck.”

A warm laugh spilled from the friar and Little John stood up to greet him with a masculine hug and backslap. “My ale may be lacking, but I assure you, my mead is not.” He snapped his fingers and the maid hurried to the back to retrieve another four tankards.

I’d barely taken a sip from the ale, when the maid deposited the new drink in front of us, and Tuck pulled up a chair and sat. Seven mugs and four people… this was a recipe for trouble. When the mead reached my mouth, I found it much more palatable than the acrid ale. Listening to the two friends, I pulled it closer and drank. Will also seems to enjoy the mead better than the ale, and he took several swallows. I bumped him with my elbow to remind him to keep his wits, he just smiled at me.

“How is the Greenwood?” Little John asked.

“Quiet of late. Einri has sent me for provisions, and I was about to head back tomorrow. You barely caught me.”

“Luck continues to stay with me,” Little John commented with a wolffish smile.

“Speaking of staying with you, who are your companions?”

“Oi, Tuck, this is Lady Arrow Loxley and her cousin, William Strutt. I plan on taking Will to The Greenwood until it’s safe for him to return. Arrow and Will, this is Friar Tuck.”

Tuck turned his shrewd eyes to Will and me,and we both sat a little straighter. The man had influence in The Greenwood Little John was taking us to, so we both felt the pressure to make a good impression. I felt a tingle in my belly at the thought of leaving Will with veritable strangers, but I had to trust Little John, he’d been trustworthy so far.

“Do you think that’s wise?” Tuck asked when his attention returned to Little John, and before we could return the greeting.

A small, irritated huff escaped Will, but the two men ignored it.

“I think it’s their best chance to get away from Captain Rekker.”

“Rekker is after them?” Tuck almost growled, surprising me.

“He attacked me just last night, and I’m fairly positive he’s the one who gave the order for Will to be beaten and left for dead a few weeks ago,” I interjected, tired of the two men talking above my head.

Tuck’s fingers slowly rubbed his stubbled jaw while he considered my statement.

“Has the Greenwood moved since last time?” Little John interrupted Tuck’s musing.

“Aye, I can take you there with the provisions. Have you informed them of the… situation?” He motioned toward us, and this time, I was the one to huff. Did they have to keep talking about us as if we weren't right in front of them?

Both men looked at me.

“The situation is, we aren’t safe at the castle, and I need a place where my cousin will be safe and away from the Bruralians, so I can go back and rescue the rest of my… friends,” I stated, lifting my chin.

“I like your fire.” Tuck smirked. “However, there’s a small problem—the Greenwood isn’t a safe place from Bruralians.”

“What?!” My gaze bounced between him and Little John, my heart beginning to pound and my palms becoming sweaty. Had I placed my and my cousin’s life in the hands of the wrong person?

“The Greenwood is a safe place for both countries. I myself am from Brural.” Tuck sat back and let me absorb the information he had just dropped in my lap.

“I can vouch for Tuck; he’s saved my life on several occasions,” Little John added.

My gaze hardened as it focused on him. “You’re going to have to explain it to me in depth.”

A burdened sigh sank Little John’s chest. “To do that, I need to explain some things about the war that are not public knowledge and ask you not to speak of it again. If too many people learn of this, it would cause mass panic, and many innocent lives would be lost.”

“Alright,” I agreed slowly. “I can promise not to tell anyone unless I feel it necessary.”

Little John nodded his acceptance, and Tuck folded his arms. “That is acceptable. I trust you to use your best judgement. Have you heard tales of the Brural Witch?”

Well, that was an ominous, yet vague statement. The Bruralian Witch was a rumor. A way for soldiers to explain how the enemy fought like beasts. It was hearsay that the king himself stated, was false. To find information about it here, of all places, was disconcerting to say the least. I nodded, and Will leaned forward in his seat, uncharacteristically quiet.

“She created a potion that King Rusalko uses on his enemies, and those he wishes to punish. Captain Rekker works directly under the King, being his eyes and ears, and doing his bidding. The Greenwood was created as a safe place for everyone who wishes to escape that.”

“Does the king know that part of his kingdom is housing Brural refugees?” Will asked, his eyes narrowed.
