Page 32 of Blood Arrow

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Tuck noticed my demeanor shift then turned to Einri. “Are those really needed? They are unsightly on such a fair maiden. What harm could one woman possibly do?”

I rolled my eyes just as Einri let loose a snarl. “She took down a fully shifted wolf with just a bow and her hands. Your pretty words won’t work on me. She’s a danger to everyone here.”

“If she does try to escape, we’ll stop her. Our guards have been lazing about, they need a challenge. We can put in rotating guards to watch her.”

Tuck's easy words gave me hope. Guards meant a chance of bribing or outwitting my way out of here, then rescuing Will – I held my breath, waiting for Einri’s response.

“Fine.” Einri bit out, as if he didn’t want to agree, but saw the sense in the suggestion. “You get the first shift. I will arrange your replacement.” He turned to me with an evil grin and walked closer, trying yet again to intimidate me. I steeled my spine and refused to look away.I am not prey.“Give me your hands.”

I began to refuse when I noticed his hand reaching into a pocket and pulling out a key. I held up my hands silently, letting him uncuff me. When they were off, I rubbed my wrists to remove the feeling of the hard metal.

Grin still in place, he turned and strode out of the cave, and I swore to myself that one day I would put an arrow there, right between the shoulder blades. One day I'd make him fear the skill and cunning of a woman. I thought back to Tuck’s toast earlier and realized I wouldn't wish for his incompetence. I wanted to beat him at full strength, so I could see in his eyes that I am his better.

“That could have definitely gone worse.” Tuck commented, and I looked at him, incredulous. He pointed to my wrists. “You are no longer cuffed, are you?”

I glared at him. I didn’t trust him either. Not only is he in league with Einri, but he also has a way of wording the truth to accomplish his own goals. I couldn’t trust that he wasn’t manipulating me too.

He ignored my glare and gave me an assessing look. “Have you eaten yet today, my lady?”

“No.” My stomach turned, and though I was hungry, I wasn't sure I’d be able to stomach food while my cousin was missing.

“Let me grab you something to eat,” he commented and walked to the mouth of the cave. He didn't just leave like I had hoped, he instead called someone nearby and had them grab food, then returned to my side. “What would you like to talk about until the food arrives?” He surprised me by asking.

“Tell me more about the beasts.” If my cousin was now infected, I needed to know all I could, so I knew how best to help him.

“Einri calls us ‘werewolves.” Tuck offered.

“Man-wolves?” I asked, translating in my head. “Einri knows Latin?”

“He’s well educated.” Tuck responded, answering without directly answering. I squinted at him, trying to think of why Tuck would word his answer so carefully to such a simple question.

I wonder…“Is Einri Thimmarian?”

“You would have to ask him.” Tuck answered smoothly. “We of Greenwood don’t make it a habit of asking where people are from. We simply ask if they need safety, and then we give it to them.”

So much for that idea. I tried another question. “So, Greenwood is a traveling town?

Tuck smiled. “I would say it's more accurate to call Greenwood a people instead of a place.”

My eyes widened as the implication began to sink in. “So, Einri is like a king? A king without a country?”

Tuck’s head tilted in thought, not unlike a dog. “I never thought of it that way, but I suppose that is an accurate assessment.”

So, this country-less king had the allegiance and loyalty of his people, but I wasn’t one of them. I was allegiant to my country, my father’s country. If this self-made king thought, he could command me like one of his subjects he had another thing coming. No one commanded me.

Sunlight shone through the opening to the cave revealing a grassy area and some trees but not much else due to the man standing guard at the entrance. I sat cross legged on the stone floor finishing the food that had been delivered while I’d been asleep.

I’d been left alone, except for my guard, for the rest of the day. I’d explored the cave and found that there was only one entrance which meant no back door to escape through.

When darkness fell, I thought I’d be doomed to sleep on the ground then Tuck had arrived with a mattress and other bedding. Einri had observed, arms crossed in disapproval, eyes stormy as he watched the interaction. I did my best to ignore him and instead assisted Tuck in setting up my makeshift bed.

Now I sat here finishing up the bread, fruit, and cheese that had been left for me wondering how to ask for a washroom. I’m accustomed to doing the deed in the woods but it wasn’t my favorite way of relieving myself.

I heard footfalls approaching, the sound echoing through the cave. Standing, I turned to the door ready for anything.

“Is our guest awake?” A jovial voice asked, and I nearly smiled, recognizing Tuck’s voice.

“I’m up,” I called toward the opening.

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