Page 35 of Blood Arrow

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I felt a twinge of regret that I hurt him, before pushing it away.He’s the enemy, Arrow.

“Tuck, why is she out of her cave?” The vicious voice rolled over us, instantly bristling the hair on my nape. “She shouldn’t be out here.”

I turned to the newcomer. He would have had pleasant features were it not for the scowl that marred his face, and his mouth. It looked like the scowl was permanent, if the deep wrinkles were to be believed.

Tuck rolled his eyes. “She’s not our enemy, Allan.” Tuck’s words eerily echoed my thoughts from a moment ago, and I glanced at him out the side of my eyes.

Allan scoffed. “Yeah right. Are you really going to stand there and tell me she doesn’t pose a threat to Greenwood? And the more she knows, the greater the threat! Leave her confined to her cave. It’s safer for all of us.” The last bit was tacked on, as if to assuage the glower on Tuck’s face.

“I have been assigned to Arrow’s care, not you. Remember that.” Tuck reminded, as he pushed by Allan, pulling me with him.

I stayed quiet, wanting to see this interaction. The ease at which they talked and angled their bodies made me think they weren’t friends but tolerated each other. Begrudging respect reflected in their manner of speech which made me curious of their relationship. If Tuck apologized and discredited him behind his back, then I would have further proof not to trust him. I was startled to realize I was hoping he would. Why did I need further proof? As if I didn’t have enough.

“Don’t let Allan get to you, he doesn’t trust easily. But he’ll come around, don’t worry.”

I considered Tuck’s profile, really studying it for a moment. He had prominent cheekbones that hollowed slightly at his cheeks, adding further to his lanky looks. His nose was slightly larger than would be considered attractive, but his smile was wide and charming, making his face appealing even before you took in his snapping eyes that were always filled with mischief.

We arrived back at the cave much too soon, and he turned to me, noticing me studying him. I glanced away quickly but caught his knowing smile. It was easy to be around Tuck. Almost too easy.

“I’m afraid this is where we must part, my Lady.” He said with a bow.

I snorted. “Yes, this is the perfect room for a Lady.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m glad the Lady approves.” He ushered me into the mouth of the cave, and before I could pass him, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “I’ll wear you down yet, Lady Arrow, never fear.”

I shuddered. That’s what I was afraid of. Tuck was too charismatic for his own good. Or mine. He could single handedly endear me to his side which he’d just revealed was his plan all along.

The cave was dull and dark and there was nothing to do. I was going stir crazy. There’s only so much one could do while within the confines of the earth, and my fingers were twitching to run them along a bowstring.

I’d tried to do some exercises, but with limited space to move there wasn’t much I could do. So, I sat and planned various ways of escape. Or I tried to.

It had evolved into a game, and not a very fun one, to see if I could leave the confines of the cave without the guard noticing. I needed to test the strength of them and was both impressed and annoyed at how attentive he was.

He didn’t stand immediately outside the cave but a short distance away. He said it was on Tuck’s orders, so I had a semblance of privacy. I’m not sure if I believed him or not. I poked my head out, trying to identify where the guard was standing this time, but couldn’t see him. I’d been fooled like this once before, however so I didn’t rush out.

I took my time glancing around, taking in the surroundings before making my move. I’d already tied my skirt between my legs to allow me ample room to run without tripping, and as I crept out of the cave, I was never more grateful for the fact. I had a feeling if I managed to get past the guard, I would need to move quickly.

The coast still seemed clear as I glanced about the mouth of the cave, so I took my chance. I began edging out the side to the left, hugging my back close to the rock face. My heart began to pound, and I had to fight the urge to run as adrenaline flooded my body and set my feet tingling. I was halfway across the side of the cave before the pathway evened out. Just a few feet more and I would be free to run.

“For a fearsome warrior, you’re very predictable.”

I shrieked, lashing out as a male voice sounded from above me. Shit! I knew better than this, to look up, that was usually my favorite place to hide or attack from. I cursed viciously, mad at myself for not paying better attention.

The guard laughed. “I ne’er woulda thought a lady even knew such words!”

He was still guffawing as he escorted me back to the cave. I knew from previous faux escapes that as soon as this guard gave the alarm, the forest came alive with men and beasts alike. If I could just escape without him seeing me, I’d have a better chance. The thought of being chased by a beast gave me nightmares.

I cursed the guard again. I hadn’t asked for his name, and I didn’t want to. I was being petty, but I didn’t care.

The guard abruptly grew silent, and I glanced up, only to be confronted by a glowering Einri with arms crossed.

I crossed my own arms and straightened, not to be outdone.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like? Beefcake here is leading me back to my prison.” I snarked, gesturing to the dark hole in the rock, immediately irritated.

I could’ve sworn I saw a twitch in Einri’s lips, and the motion spurred me on, wanting to see if I could get him to do it again.
