Page 44 of Blood Arrow

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“Row?” I heard the croaked voice coming from a pile of furs from the opposite corner.

All my emotions seemed to congregate in my throat, and I struggled to talk around them. “Will?” I slowly walked over to him and knelt down. “Are you hurt?”

A wry smile twisted his lips. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just some small bumps and bruises.”

The relief I felt at seeing his face and hearing his voice threatened to drown me in a salty sea. Swallowing, I wordlessly held out my hand to him. The haunted look in his eyes added to the tempest inside me, and I wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in a hug until the brokenness disappeared for both of us. I would do just that as soon as we got to safety.

Grabbing my hand with a small squeeze, he looked at me, straight into my eyes. I held his gaze, and it seemed his eyes flashed brighter for a moment. “Arrow, are you sure? I’ve changed. I’m dangerous.”

“I know but you are family. End of discussion. Now let’s go before we get caught.” I didn’t know what had happened to him while he’d been captured, but just the thought of the Bruralian’s making him feel that he was less because of what he had survived had me seeing red. Blood would be spilled.

I tugged on his hand, and he slowly began to follow as I led him to the entrance. Hopefully Tuck would see us exit and join us -

“Hey! You can’t- “

I cursed myself for not paying attention to the front of the tent as I slashed my knife at the guard who just entered. With a yell, he pulled his sword, but wasn't able to wield it before my dagger slid into his throat and up into his brain.

“Quick, help me hide him.” I motioned Will to the furs in the corner, and together we made it look like Will was still laying in his makeshift bed. Hopefully, that would buy us some time if nobody heard him yell.

“Hurry!” I pulled a panting Will beside me as I gave up on stealth and dashed madly through the camp. Tuck jumped out from behind a tent to the right and joined us as we raced out of the camp, hoping no more soldiers would notice.

“I thought the plan was to leave as silently as we came?” Tuck panted, his green eyes alert.

“Plans are for the unimaginative.” I huffed back with a smile, Will’s hand still gripped in mine.

Tuck laughed. “At least it’s never boring around you.”

I threw a smile at him as we crossed the edge of the camp and dashed into the woods. “In case they saw us let’s split up and meet- “

“No!” Will interrupted, and I noticed his eyes were wild and a bit crazed. “We stay together.”

“Okay,” I nodded placatingly, and I could feel my forehead wrinkle. “We stay together.”

A few moments later found us at our prearranged meeting place, Einri already there waiting for us. “It looks like it was successful. Were there any hiccups?” He asked as he stared unblinkingly at Will.

“One, but I took care of him and left him in WIll’s bed.” I answered, looking between him and Einri. Will was starting to vibrate beside me under Einri’s intense stare, and I put my hand on his arm to calm him.

“Arrow, don’t!” Tuck cried, and I screamed as razor sharp claws slashed me from shoulder to elbow.

“What -?” Will was no longer human beside me, but was instead a snarling tan wolf with death in his eyes. Tuck pulled me back as a black wolf with silver eyes intercepted Will. Einri.

With a clash of teeth, the two snarling wolves attacked, each trying to kill the other. I watched in horrified silence for a moment before struggling out of Tuck’s grasp.

“No! Stop it!” I screamed, and I darted forward before Tuck caught me again and held me tightly against him. I could hear myself screaming as I watched the two vicious beasts locked in a bloody battle, neither one giving an inch.

If Einri hurt Will, I didn’t care what the consequences would be, I would murder him.

Struggling against Tuck’s iron grip, I saw Will dash forward aiming for Einri’s throat, and I almost cheered him on. Einri was able to maneuver away from the deadly bite, hiding his neck and angling his shoulder towards Will instead. He turned and nipped at Will’s legs in the process, causing him to yelp. My heart stuttered at the pained sound, and my fury at Einri mounted.

I watched, captivated, as Will and Einri continued circling, each drawing blood from the other. I raged in Tuck’s arms, swearing retribution each time Einri’s teeth scored Will’s hide.

Chests heaving, they stood a moment, staring, pacing back and forth as they studied their opponent. In a flurry of fur and teeth, Einri charged Will, knocking him on his back and pinning him to the ground.

I screamed, voice hoarse, as I saw Einri’s teeth close over Will’s throat. Will grunted then whined, and I jammed my head back into Tuck’s nose, finally escaping his hold.

Einri released Will’s throat as I approached. I debated for a split second of slitting Einri’s throat or checking to see if Will was still alive. Concern over Will won the toss.

As I threw myself down at his side and reached out, ignoring the black wolf beside us. Will’s growl turned into a scream as his body morphed back into that of a naked man.

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