Page 48 of Blood Arrow

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Everything I knew about Rusalko pointed at him being an evil man with no care for those under him, but, as much as it pained me to admit, Einri was… honorable towards those in his care. How could the two share any blood relation?

A part of me, and I wasn’t willing to admit just how large a part, yearned to comfort the man before me.What does one say in a situation like this?

I decided to keep it simple with a quote from my father, “You aren’t responsible for the choices of others, merely your own.”

Einri’s piercing eyes met and held my own. “I’ve only heard one other person say that.”

I smiled. “It was something my father used to tell me all the time. He’s a wise man.”

“Jasiro is a man I regard highly.”

I started. “You know my father?”

“You remind me of him.”

“Why have you never mentioned this before?” Just more things he’d kept from me.

“I didn’t see the need to.” He peered at me, his silver eyes glinting. “And I wasn’t sure how much you knew.”

“How much I know about what, Einri?” I could feel my temper rising. How could this Bruralian man know more about my father than me? It was inconceivable. My father was loyal to King Graeme, almost to a fault. He wouldn’t have anything to do with someone who was a threat to the crown, would he?

Is that not what I myself am doing?Moon Maiden help me.

Those damning silver eyes seemed to see straight through my attitude. “Jasiro is a loyal subject of your king’s, but King Graeme doesn’t see shades of gray. Your father, however, does. He, along with a few others, helped to create the Greenwood for those who needed it, either to escape the injustice they were facing or because they did not fit into either kingdom.”

I opened my mouth to ask another question, but was cut off before I could get the words out.

“Arrow! Einri!” The tousled head of Will popped into the doorway with a small scuffle. “We found Little John.”

I followed Will as he climbed down and began to run toward the center, my heart pounding in worry. A moment later we came upon the prone figure of Little John, Tuck leaning over him.

“How is he?” Einri barked.

“Alive.” I sagged in relief at Tuck’s words. “He has an ugly lump on the back of his head.”

Tuck grabbed the items Will handed over to him and wafted it under Little John’s nose. After a second, Little John began stirring.

“Welcome back, friend.” Tuck’s cheery voice greeted the prone man.

“Oi, what’s that smell? It’s like bringing the devil himself back from the dead.” Little John grumped as he attempted to sit up.

“Take it easy, big guy. Give your body a moment to adjust, and don’t go spouting off blasphemy.” Tuck tsked.

“That smell is blasphemous.” Little John griped, and I grinned. If he’s well enough to be fussing, then I wasn’t too worried. After all, he was made of sterner stuff than most.

Will turned from the men on the ground to Einri, apparently coming to the same conclusion. “While I was looking for the smelling salts, I also found this.” He said as he handed a scroll over.

Einri’s face tightened as he opened the missive up and read it. “Treason?” He roared, and every face turned to him. “Little John, what happened?” He ordered.

Little John’s already grim face grew more serious. “They attacked in the middle of the night with no warning. They threw up these balls of fire that exploded and spread like no normal fire I’ve ever seen, and simply waited for us to get down. It was a terrifyingly simple plan.” He shook his head and rubbed his neck. “I tried to get a few of the young ones away, but they had us surrounded, and the next thing I knew, Tuck here was forcing his god's awful stink under my nose.”

“How did the Thimmarians find out about us?” Einri roared, and I watched, fascinated, as his hair seemed to grow before he got himself under control.

Little John looked him in the eyes, and I was impressed despite myself. “I do not know. But, Einri, they seemed to know exactly where to go.”

Enri turned to Will and shook the scroll at him. “Where did you find this exactly?”

Will tried to meet his eyes briefly before settling his gaze somewhere by his chin. “It was pinned to the base of your home, by a blood arrow.”
