Page 5 of Blood Arrow

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“What weapon did you learn?”

“Daggers. They allow you to get up close and personal or attack from afar.” Her growl was predatory, and I almost tripped a step-in surprise. The girl’s eyes had taken on a hungry gleam that made me rethink my line of questioning.Was there something in the water in Brural?“How did you learn the bow?”

“How do you know I shoot?”

“The calluses on your hands and fingers. I also overheard Rekker speaking about it.”

“Oh, uh, my father taught me before I came to live here.” I glanced at my hands as I rubbed my thumb over the calluses between the first and middle knuckles.The hands of an archer.

She nodded decisively. “Your father must be a wise man. It is good to have weaponry skills. Especially as a woman.” Her tone took on a dark edge.

Once we arrived at the field, I changed the subject. “I apologize, I forgot to ask your name, I’m Arrow.”

She looked at my offered hand and pushed it back, awkwardly. “My name is Rieka. Is this the practice field?”

I caught Will’s eye, surprised to see him outside at this time of day. He turned back and continued animatedly talking to Captain Marcus, who was standing with arms crossed and looking down at him sternly.

“Um, yes, it is. I believe Chase and Jaecar are the soldiers sparring over there. Will you excuse me for a moment?”

Without waiting for her reply, I walked over to where Captain Marcus and Will were finishing their discussion. With a nod to me, the captain walked away, and I turned to Will. I love my cousin, dearly, but he was often impetuous. No matter what trouble he had gotten himself into with Captain Marcus, I would always have his back.

“Not here, Row. Tonight. Your room,” he said quietly, as he grabbed my elbow. Gently, he squeezed it before briskly striding away.

What in the name of Nidar was he up to?

Completely bewildered, I stood there, gaping after him for a full ten seconds until I pulled myself together and rejoined the group of ladies. Men were sparring with swords, and the others not practicing had joined the women outside the practice ring.

The Bruralian ladies were quietly making bets over who would emerge the victor, and the Thimmarians were enjoying the excitement. While they simpered about the indecency of it though, they made no move to retreat.

My gaze shifted over my shoulder to where Will disappeared. I would find out what was going on with him, and if he refused tell me tonight, I would make him.

“Oh bliss!” I groaned as Brex released me from my corset and then my gown.

She chuckled. “I’m surprised you stayed in it as long as you did!”

A bark of laughter escaped my lips. “I didn’t have much of a choice, the King told us we were to host them and treat them like royal ambassadors. What else could I do?”

“Was it as horrible as you feared it would be?”

“It was awkward at times, certainly, but not as terrible as I feared, no. They speak their mind and don’t care for etiquette, but that isn’t a crime. I envy their freedom.” I shrugged.

Perhaps peace was attainable.

As she helped me into my shift, I glanced at Brex and saw her sucking on her bottom lip. “What is it, Brex?”

Her eyes met mine, but she shook her head. I waited, knowing she needed a moment to decide how she wanted to word her thoughts.

“You know how maids gossip.” She waved her hand as if there was a stink she couldn’t dispel. “Someone said something, and…” She trailed off, busying herself with putting my dress away and turning down the covers.

“Brexley?” I queried, watching her dabble with my dress a second longer, before she turned to face me. “What did they say?”

A deep sigh escaped her. “It isn’twhatthey said, more what theydidn’t.”

I attempted to wait patiently for her to finish, but we both knew I was only patient when I had a bow in my hand. “Alright, then. What did, or didn’t they say?”

“They don’t ask for directions,” she answered simply.

“They don’t ask for directions?” I parroted, wondering why that would be suspicious.
