Page 9 of Blood Arrow

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Ten minutes passed before I dared to move. After that the normal forest sounds returned, and I knew they’d gone. Cautiously I walked around the tree. I unslung my bow and nocked an arrow in case they turned back.

With careful steps, I made my way to the disturbed earth, noting that it was blended in decently, but a random mound of leaves, grasses, and sticks was not a natural occurrence. Someone with even a tiny bit of forest smarts would know that. Those barbarians were showing their ignorance.

Walking around it, I carefully moved the leaves and debris aside so I could see who they had beaten so thoroughly.

Blood cooling in my veins, I swiftly removed sticks and leaves, needing to know who their first victim was. A beaten and bloody face was revealed, and at first, I didn’t recognize who it was. After a moment of careful study, a cry escaped from me…

I was staring at my cousin’s face.

Heart pounding in my ears, I stared at Will’s disfigured face, and my soul seemed to fracture and float above my body.

This couldn’t be Will. I had seen him just hours ago, this couldn’t be him.

Hesitantly, I wiped the rest of the leaves and dirt off his neck and stared at the swollen and bloody mess left behind. I should have been with him, should have followed him, should have made him stay in my room. Telling him to be careful wasn’t enough, I should have known that! Something tapped the back of my hand, breaking my thoughts. Startled, I looked down to see drops of water. No, those were tears—I was crying.

Damnit, Will! You know I hate crying.

Pain clawed its way through me as my fingers pushed that pesky lock of hair from his forehead, and I sniffled. The feeling of his silky lock between my fingers filled me with nostalgia. He was always pushing that troublesome hair away. My internal thoughts stuttered to a halt when my fingertips brushed against his forehead. He still felt warm. Holding my breath, I pressed my hand to his cheek.

He was still warm!

Bending down, I placed my cheek above his lips, and a hint of his breath fanned my skin. My mind began to whirl, my pulsed raced, and I frantically started to dig, dirt getting into my nails as I shoveled handful after handful away from him, and around him. The memory of holding my mother’s hand after her death and telling myself that as long as she was warm there was hope. I didn’t know then that warmth was only part of it.

Shaking the heartbreaking memory from my thoughts, I doubled my efforts to unearth my cousin. As long as he continued to live, I would do everything in my power to get him better. He was my family. The only family that hadn’t left me, and he was not allowed to leave me now.

I wouldn’t let him.

After getting most of the dirt off, I grabbed his feet and pulled with all my might so I could drag him back to the castle. Will may have looked slender, but he had solid muscle, and carrying him required more strength than I feared I had. The sooner I could get him to the healer, the better his chance of survival was.

I only hoped he lasted that long.

My body burned from exertion, and I stumbled, Will’s weight felt like carrying an anvil. I didn’t know how far I had dragged him, but I hoped the gates to the castle were close. I wasn’t sure how much farther Will, or I, could make it. He hadn’t stirred since I found him, which didn’t bode well.

A shudder ran through my spine at the thought, but I focused on putting one foot in front of the other. It was all I could do. Soon, I could see a break in the trees ahead, and mentally made that my new goal. All I had to do was get to those trees, and then I could take a break and check on Will.

As I passed between the trees, I sagged in relief. The castle gates!

“Captain Marcus!” I screamed, desperation tearing my voice. I frantically waved my arms, hoping to catch the guards’ attention—I would have jumped if my muscles would’ve let me.

A flurry of movement stirred at the gates, and I breathed out a sigh of relief… someone had heard me. Turning back to my cousin I grabbed his ankles and resumed dragging him, muscles protesting every inch of the way. Watching the gates open, I stumbled, but several soldiers, led by Captain Marcus, came pouring out like ants when their home was threatened.

“Arrow, what happened?” Captain Marcus barked as he approached, sharp eyes taking in the scene.

“Bruralians… I saw them bury him.” I half gasped, half sobbed, completely spent.

He opened his mouth, then turned to his men behind him. “Jaecar, get William to the healer. Tannen, let the King know what has happened, and that I will join him as soon as I get details. Be discreet. There are spies everywhere.” With those whispered orders delivered, he turned back to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, half supporting me as my knees buckled. “Let’s get you to the healer too, my lady.”

Feeling numb, I nodded, too tired to think, but thankful he was there to do it for me. Captain Marcus was a very brusque man, known for his stern demeanor, yet he led me through the castle with the gentlest hand. In fact, I didn’t think I had felt someone being so tender with me since… since my father was called to the battle front.

Tears filled my eyes at my thoughts, my emotions close to the surface in my exhaustion and worry. Fortunately, we arrived at the healers, and I tucked those emotions deep down inside me.

Captain Marcus ushered me to a bed next to Will’s, but I protested.

“Arrow, let the healer look you over.”

“No, William first.” I pushed his hand away, stifling a sob.

When my gaze turned to the healer, I saw her already bent over Will, examining him. “I found him buried in the woods, and he hasn’t woken up. I couldn’t see any deep cuts or punctures, but it does look like he’s been beaten.” The words rushed out before my emotions overtook me.
