Page 45 of Dark Prince

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“How do you know I gave it up to Matteo?” She’s annoyed that I know that piece of information, but that’s better than her anger.

“Twins, Sienna. We’re fucking twins. We’re the same and you know it. Do you think I can give mine or take someone’s virginity and it not mean something? She’s still the only one I want, and it’s been eight years. I’m never going to want another woman.”

“Well, if you haven’t tasted other fruit, how do you know you picked the right one?”

“Do I need to repeat that stupid fucking question back to you, you damn hypocrite?” I can see her run her tongue over her top teeth as she huffs. “Didn’t think so. She is the one whether you like it or not. It’s not like I’m Matteo’s biggest fan either, you know. The dickface didn’t give two shits about you for years. He didn’t notice you when you were right in front of his eyes. He picked a skank instead of you.”

“Please don’t remind me of that.” She nods her head, agreeing with me.

“I’m right and you know it, yet I haven’t stabbed him or judged you when he doesn’t deserve you.” I don’t care that his right hook can rival legends in the world of boxing. Matteo needs his ass kicked before he joins our family. Just because he’s physically capable of protecting her doesn’t mean he’ll follow through when the going gets tough. What happens when he finds out Domenico killed his daughter’s mother? If I’ve learned anything, it’s that secrets and lies only make things worse, and eventually they all come out. “Does he know?”

Confusion flickers across her brown eyes. “Does he know what?”

“Our favorite Knight,” I reply, purposely not saying our brother’s name even though there is no doubt in my mind that it’s safe to speak openly in here. Domenico’s security is top notch. He’d know if the feds or anyone else were watching or listening to us. “Dealt with the kid’s mother, or are you keeping that tidbit to yourself?” I add.

To that, she takes offense. I can see it in her eyes and body language as her hands cross over her chest. “I’m not the master secret keeper, Ren. That’s you. Keep the roles straight here.”

“But you are hiding something. Why?”

“Bug off.” She turns her back to me, but before she goes to throw a kick at the bag, I grab her by the elbow, turning her back around to face me. We aren’t finished until our relationship is at least on the mend, and I don’t feel we’re there yet. This is my fault and I’m going to fix it.

“I’m trying to level with you here. I need you to make the effort to do the same. Have you told him?”

“Not. Yet,” she bites out. “I’m going to. I just haven’t figured out how yet. Not like there’s a manual for this shit, you know. But if you have any advice, I’m all ears.”

“Tell him before the wedding,” I offer. “He finds out after the fact and has a problem with it, then it’s going to blow up from all angles. There is no out once he’s in. He knows that, right?”

“Does yours?” she throws back, cocking an eyebrow.

“Does he know you’re pregnant?” I counter since she didn’t answer my question.

“How do you know that?” Her eyes round, the shock palpable. I can practically see her chest jump from her heart skipping a beat.

I look at my sister as if her question is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t explain how this twin thing works. When we choose to be clued into each other, we just know certain things, but in her case, it’s obvious. How Domenico or Dad hasn’t picked up on it, I don’t know. I can give Dad a pass. He’s back home and we’re down here.

“You haven’t launched yourself at Sasha once since we’ve been here,” I finally say when it’s clear she is expecting a response.

“So.” Her shoulders lift, then drop back down. “Neither has she. Isn’t that a sign of improvement?”

“Sasha is all mouth. Always has been. You’re the one the starts the physical shit first. You haven’t, so it’s a dead giveaway.” Sasha and my sister are a close match in strength. The reason Sasha won is because she watches her opponents for their weakness before striking, whereas Sienna starts swinging right out of the gate instead of weighing her options. She reacts before she watches. She could learn a thing or two from Sasha, but I’m not telling her that.

“In that case, I’ll kick her ass when she gets up to prove you wrong.”

“No, you won’t. She’s pregnant too,” I admit for the first time out loud. It’s like the weight of one bolder has been removed from the pile of them sitting on my chest.


“Does Matteo know?” I query her again, ignoring the surprise and irritation that flickers across her face.

“Yes, he knows, but I wanted to wait until after the wedding to tell everyone. Especially now that Brooklyn just lost her mom. I think it would be too much to throw at her right now. Plus, there’s Dad.” She gives me a tight-lipped smile and a knowing look. Dad wouldn’t kill Matteo, but he may give him a flesh wound with the nearest weapon on his person. “When did Sasha tell you?”

“She didn’t.”

“What the fuck?!” Her nostrils flare. “And why the hell not?”

“I don’t think she realizes she’s three weeks late. In fact, I asked her to pull from that scheduled fight because of it, but she wouldn’t, and I didn’t want to freak her out.”

“Do I even want to know how you know her cycles better than she does?”
