Page 1 of Deviant Knight

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The first time I got a hard-on, I was fourteen. A late bloomer I’m sure compared to other boys, but I’d steered clear of girls for the most part. The way I dressed and the method in which I stared at people scared any sane chick. They gave me a wide berth, and that was exactly what I wanted.

When I was twelve, Krishna and Sasha joined the mixed martial arts training center my father had taken my siblings and me to for a few years. K is a year older than me, so he was thirteen at the time. I hated that they were poaching on my turf. I had always known who he was since we attended the same private school, but that didn’t mean I was okay with being in the same vicinity as him outside school grounds. Back then, I didn’t give two shits about his sister, Sasha. Maybe if I had, then I would have noticed my brother’s infatuation with her before it came to light that he’d married the Russian-American Bratva princess in secret two years ago.

I had just started my eighth-grade year when Krishna was a freshman at the high school in another building on the same campus. He wasn’t taller than me back then, not having hit a growth spurt yet. We mirrored in stature and weight, and after avoiding each other at the gym, our coach made us pair up for a training session. I’m sure he thought it would help mature our minds and teach us a lesson in controlling our egos and our tempers.

Only that’s not what grew. With my back on the mat, his body between my thighs, and my legs wrapped around his hips with my ankles locked to keep him from getting away, my cock thickened. I hadn’t expectedthatto happen. Hatred spurred from within me as I squeezed my thighs around his waist tighter than what was acceptable in class. We weren’t supposed to hurt our opponent in that particular class.

We weren’t wearing Gi’s, only T-shirts and rash guard shorts. With my teenage cock pressed against his cotton-covered abdominal muscles, I would have sworn on my life they contracted at the contact. I was caught off guard, but Krishna, he fucking smirked before using my distracted state against me.

At some point, my ankles loosened their hold. Krishna quickly unwrapped my legs and then flipped me so that my back was to his front. He righted us into a seated position, this time with his legs knotted around my middle as he pulled me firmly against him. His arms were looped around my neck like thick chains, choking me, and that’s when I felt it—his dick twitched against my lower back.

Goose bumps broke out across my skin as tingles cascaded their way through my system. I still remember the feel of his labored breath in my ear. It shook me to my core. What he whispered made me come inside my boxers, right there on the mat, in the middle of the gym, among our peers and coach:You don’t want to go down this road, pretty boy. I’ll consume you, and then I’ll forget you exist.His hot breath fanned down my neck and vibrated through my ear.

That’s not the hardest I’ve ever come, but the memory sure makes me think it was. Nothing happened after that, at least not until my first year of college, and even then, it was a one-time thing. It wasn’t supposed to occur again, but it did a year ago.

For months afterward, I refused him, ignoring his translucent gaze, his hard thick cock pressed against me when we’d pair up in training. Like years ago, we now train under the same Krav Maga Master three times a week. That irked me too. I didn’t particularly appreciate it when I showed up for my first session only to learn Krishna had been taking the class for six months. I wasn’t surprised, though. Over the years, I have realized we like the same things. I might even go as far as to say he’s more of a computer genius than I am.

But then the son of a bitch decided to make me jealous by using my sister. At the time, he was also making a different point to Sienna and Matteo, as well as myself. But his purpose was lost. By watching Krishna touch someone else, it set me off. Had it been anyone other than my sister, the bitch would not still be breathing. I broke one of his ribs later that night. That happened five months ago, and I haven’t been with anyone else since. That fact pisses me off so goddamn bad it makes me itch to break another one of his bones.

It’s been far too long since I’ve sunk my dick inside something soft. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hard just as much as I need and crave it, but the feel of a woman’s body is different. It sates something else inside my soul that I can’t quite put my finger on, yet I’ve never wanted to fuck the same woman twice. Not the way I keep coming back to Krishna anyway.

My sister has no friends other than Lorenzo and me. That was solidified the night she killed Vin, the guy who kidnapped her. Up to that point, he was the only friendship Sienna had maintained outside the family. So, it’s not like I can ram my dick in someone from her wedding party. I’m not going to lie, I like it that way.

The twins have always had each other, and then they have me too. It’s been my duty to protect them since the day they were born. It doesn’t matter that I’m only sixteen months older than them. They are my prince and princess, and I guess that makes me their deviant knight. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for Lorenzo and Sienna. I’d kill for them. I’d die for them. Keeping their circle small means less of a headache for me when it comes to maintaining their safety. I let Vin slip by, which nearly cost my family another life. It won’t happen again.

“Your wife changed out of her blood-covered dress,” K comments from my right side as Matteo walks up to the outdoor bar and signals for the bartender to get him a beer. I’m on my second and last, knowing I can’t drink too much and be able to watch every angle of the room. “Couldn’t you have kept the tuxedo jacket on at least? You’re scaring your mother.”

“It’s hot as hell out here, so no,” Matteo replies, grabbing the long-neck amber bottle with the same blood-soaked white shirt that’s now bone dry. No one has come out and said what happened, but it doesn’t take a genius to guess that it was my father’s wedding present to the groom. “She’s seen it. It’s done. Doesn’t make a difference if I change or not. Besides, I’d rather display Tony’s handy work for the masses,” he says, confirming I was right.

“I’ll have one of those, Jake,” my brother requests, coming to stand between Matteo and me. Jake usually works the bar at our nightclub a few blocks away from my father’s restaurant, but Dad hired him for the event to bartend Sienna’s reception. He has a wandering eye, but he isn’t a bad guy. He’s been vetted, which means at the present moment, I trust him. That doesn’t mean that can’t change down the road, but until he proves otherwise, he stays employed—and alive.

“So, you’re back to drinking again?” Krishna grunts, annoyance in his deep tone.

“He doesn’t have a drinking problem,” I bite out, not looking at K. It’s hard not to. His six-foot-four frame is dressed in a suit tonight, and every inch of him is fucking hot, which also makes me want to throw my fist into his face.

I don’t like wanting someone the way I want him. One time should have been enough, but it wasn’t. That night, months ago, we discovered how hard we could brutalize each other and still get off. It was . . . euphoric. It was mind-blowing and something I haven’t been able to cut off since. I’ve never been susceptible to addiction, but that’s what it must be between us, otherwise—

“I had a Sasha problem,” Ren chimes back, unfazed that Krishna insinuated he’s an alcoholic no matter how many times I’ve claimed he isn’t. The fucker probably said it to get a rise out of me.

“Better pray it’s a boy my sister is carrying then. You’ll be in hell if it turns out to be a mini version of her.”

“I like the full version of my wife, so I’d be fine with that. I’d be just as fine if it turns out to be a boy too. Doesn’t matter either way.”

“Fuck,” K draws out. “If I ever knock up a bitch, you may as well consider my life over.” He picks up the bottle of beer in front of him.

“I’ll second that.” I raise my beer bottle, clinking it to the glass neck of his, then simultaneously, we bring our bottles to our lips and tip them back. I swallow the rest of mine, finishing it off. Setting it back on the bar, I turn my back to Jake and survey the room.

“Domino,” Brooklyn calls out as my free hand is suddenly being snatched in a bite-size grip. My eyes flick down. “I want to dance.”

“Girl, learn how to say, Do-men-i-co,” Krishna orders, his tone a bit condescending mixed with something else that puts the beginning of a smirk on my lips.

Her eyes flick from mine over to his. “I know how to say,Do-men-i-co,” she bites out, and I swear a growl follows the snarl on her lip. “If I wanted to say,Domenico, I would’ve said,Domenico.” Her chest expands, and then she huffs out a forceful breath. “He’smyDomino. Get your own!”

Jesus Christ. I shake my head as I tip my chin up to look at the night sky, pulling in the warm air. It’s usually cooler in late October, but tonight it feels more like the end of summer rather than fall in New York City.
